Chapter 1 (Long)

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Author's POV

19 years ago, before Harper was born her mother susie and her biological dad henry fell in love. You see Henry had a secret that susie didn't know about when they were dating but one day Susie walks up on him and finds the truth, He was a vampire with special powers, even though she knew he was different she stiil loved him and didn't care what he was. A few months later Susie and henry got married and and tried to have a baby.

one week later Susie's test was positive and both parents were happy to find out about their first unborn child was a girl. 1 day later Susie went out to the store while Henry stayed at their home to build a baby room for their child until he was attacked my evil vampires and couldn't use his powers on time to save his life. when Susie came back home she founf Henry on the floor and called the other vampire that she knew to come quickly. Henry was not all the way dead but lost a lot of blood that couldn't be replaced and the words that he last said was " If I die. I would want my baby girl to be named Harper" and touched her stomach using the last bit of power that was slipping away from his body.

As the other vampires came to help Henry and place him in a place where they heal vampires, Susie was very sad and couldn't believe what happened to Henry. After the other vampires told Susie that Henry was dead, they told her to go find a guy named Martin and explain what happened. After Susie packed her things she went to find martin and when she did, she found out that he was a human friend of her husband Henry.

Martin explained that Henry wanted to protect Susie from some of the bad vampire that attacked him and move far away with you after she had the baby. after Susie found out she was determand to find these vampire and kill them.

After Susie had Harper Martin decided to marry her and help take care of the baby, and with the help of 10 vampire and move away from where they were staying. Susie and Martin decided to move to LA, taking 10 vampires with them, their names were- Jake, Wanda, Ethan, Nina, TJ, Ann, Branden, Zackary, Rebecca, and last Michael. Michael was the quiet one but does a great job at a lot of things. A few years later after Harper was born Susie wanted to track down the bad vampires who killed Henry and Martin agreed. A few years later after Harper was born Susie and Martin started to see that Harper has powers like Henry and told their friends that they will need help with her to control her powers so she could know how to use them when she is older. As time flew by Harper was learning how to use her powers quickly then any other vampire that had powers while Susie and Martin looked for clues on the evil vamps who killer Henry. When Harper was 16 her powers grew stronger and she learned how to control it with the help of Rebecca and Jack. Susie and all the others noticed that she doesn't have fangs like her dad sense he was a vampire until Martin said that she would have to learn her true power in order to show her vampire self. Harper is now 18 turning 19 and fully knows her powers that are growing but doesn't know about vampires being apart of her or her life. As for Michael he was struggling to find a job to have his own money.

Michael's POV
Got damnit, I can never find a job. I thought to myself as I again left another building that didn't give me a job. Arriving at TJ and Ann's house where I live I flew to a window and went in changing to my true form.

"Still can't find a job" TJ said to me as I rolled my eyes
"No one will accept me" I groan in frustration
"Don't be to mad Michael" Ann said
"Well what am I supposed to do huh Ann? Clearly these humans don't know anything" I said and sat down at the nearest chair
"Haha your not the only one" TJ said
"Rebecca is still looking for a job as a model" TJ said and drunk some blood that was collected.
"Well Michael all I can tell you is that there is one more person you can try" Ann started
"Tell me" I pleaded
"Susie" Ann said and I nodded my head and smiled a little
"Of course you remember Harper but that was 10 years ago when she was 9. Well Susie found some evidence of Henry's death and who killed him and she needs someone to look out for Harper." Ann said
"Does she pay good? I said
"Duh! She is freaking rich!" TJ said and I rolled my eyes at his annoying voice
"Yes she pays good. She is leaving next week for about a year she told me and I told her that most of us are either looking for a job or goes to work all the time and can't watch her so I told her that you'll be able to do it" I nodded and smiled wider
"Ann thank you so much!" I said
"No problem Michael. Jack and Rebecca baby sat her and got a real nice paycheck even I did" Ann said and chuckled a little
"Hear, I can sense that your thirsty" Ann said and gave me some blood to drink as I thought of how much Harper has grown sense I last saw her.

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