Chapter 9 // R.I.P. Anakin Skywalker

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I best not say anything. I think the title is enough?

please don't get mad

"The whole hating-sand thing? Yeah, I get that now," Obi-Wan grumbled into his comms as another spray of the gritty soil ground into his cheeks. He, along with a number of other Jedi Masters, was scouting some of the dunes around Cantonica.

    "Yeah, Anakin really must be devastated to miss this," Mace chimed in, catching up to Obi-Wan and falling into pace with him. So far nothing had seemed out of the ordinary.

    "Let's check out the other side of the ocean," Plo shortly instructed, speeding past the other two masters. "If there's anything over here, we're not going to see it."

    "Let's make this quick," Mace added. "The citizens of Cantonica didn't seem very pleased that we were 'intruding' on them."

    "As if we're inconveniencing them and their gambling addiction." Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. "I bet most of them are too drunk to even notice we're here."

    "Find the base, then insult the locals," Plo reprimanded.

    "It makes this boring trip slightly more bearable."

    Plo chuckled at the annoyance of the two Jedi Masters. He couldn't blame them: the last couple of hours had been excruciatingly unproductive.

    Obi-Wan squinted his eyes against the sand-sprinkled wind and tried to scope the horizon. When his efforts ended in being fruitless, he switched to the metal detector and other helpful gadgets programmed into his speeder. Still, nothing.

    "You guys got anything?" An equally-frustrated sounding Plo asked through the comms. In the midst of Obi-Wan's work, he had sped off and was checking some other areas.

    "Nope," Mace grunted.

    "Me either," Shaak sighed, the motor of her speeder dying out in the distance. Apparently the Togruta had decided that she wasn't going to do any good.

    "Neither have I." Obi-Wan decided to gear down his speeder as well with a shake of his head.

    "Report to cruiser, we shall then," Yoda croaked through the comms, audibly disappointed. A sigh of defeat echoed through the radio from all of the others, then communication was cut off as everyone began making their way back to the ship.

    "Another lovely dead end," Obi-Wan sarcastically remarked as he drove his speeder into the cruiser and got off, making sure to emphasize his fake cheerfulness.

    "We seem to be getting a lot of those recently," Mace agreed with a roll of his eyes, parking his speeder right next to Obi-Wan's.

    "Push aside negativity, we must. Glass half empty affects success, no?"

    Obi-Wan mumbled his acknowledgment to Yoda's statement, but only half-heartedly took the advice. Things were bound to get better soon, right?


{bold will be translations}

    "Sku? Ta someone thek? Sku??" Ahsoka called out as she wandered through the forests of Endor. After a couple hours of searching, she still hadn't come across any Ewok civilizations. At this rate, she was bound to come across the enemy's base before she laid eyes on any of the fuzzy little creatures.

'Hello? Is someone there? Hello??'



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