Chapter 20 // The Name's Tano. Ahsoka Kriffing Tano.

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    "WomAN what the kR-"


    Ahsoka willed herself to push past the exhaustion and open her eyes. As her lids fluttered about, a brilliant bright light poured into her eyes. She muttered her own strand of cuss words at the searing pain that tore at her vision, but it paled in comparison to the insults she had just received.

    "What's your problem?" The Togruta hissed, raising an arm to block out the light. It was apparent that she had already crossed the rainbow bridge. Why? For one, she didn't even think it was possible for that room she had fought in to become this bright, and for two, Ahsoka had felt her own heart stop. Could a girl not just die in peace?

    Her angry attitude dissipated instantly when her gaze stumbled upon an entire legion of deceased Force-sensitives. Most she didn't recognize, but the one and only Qui-Gon Jinn, as well as Aylile, were proudly standing at the front as though they were the commanders of everyone. No doubt, one of the two had just called her nearly every insult in the book.

    "You, it seems," Qui-Gon remarked, adding a clicking of his tongue in disappointment. "We asked for a savior, and this is what we get?"

    "Thanks for the confidence boost. Really needed that," the Togruta rolled her eyes. Although, seeing that she wasn't in a position to anger really powerful beings, she obliged to their request and stood up. She was expecting every single muscle, even the ones she didn't even know she had, to ache, but was pleasantly surprised when her body was pain-free. Not even her hip pulsated discomfort.

    Right, she forgot she was dead. Dead people don't have a real body that can hurt.

    "That's not what he means," Aylile shook her head, stepping forward. Yeah, it was definitely Qui-Gon who cussed her out. "Mind reiterating that, Quinn?"

    A brow-like marking raised in suspicion from Ahsoka. Since when did Aylile know the Jedi? Why would she give him a nickname? The Togruta's process of thought was interrupted as Qui-Gon stepped forward.

    "We got a broken soldier. She's empty, depressed, and flawed."

    "And that's supposed to make me feel better?" Ahsoka scoffed, crossing her arms. She already didn't like death. This was a pain in her hind end.

    "But..." he added, a small smirk toying with the corners of his lips. "She's strong. And bada*ss. And she can kick anyone's butt, including her own. She just seems to have simply forgotten that her name is Ahsoka Kriffing Tano."

    Alright, maybe this wasn't going that bad. She could barely smother her chuckle at the 'including her own' line.

    "Then why did I die? Why did I get bested?"


    Aylile cut him off, obviously annoyed with the slow pace of the conversation. "Nobody bested you. You did that to yourself. That stupid Sith couldn't fight if his life depended on it. Do you not remember any of your past feats? Your discovery of your Force-destruction powers? Flying? Your more powerful form?"

    "It's not flying. It's self-manipulation-"

    "Same difference. Now, tell me. Did you or did you not do your best?"


    "Exactly. Did that Sith deserve to win?"

    "Not exactly..."

    "You proved my point for me. Anything you'd like to add, Quinn?"

    Qui-Gon turned and looked at the Pantorian, miffed at not only how she had stolen the conversation and made him look like an idiot, but how she had used the nickname he absolutely despised.

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