Prologue // D R I F T I N G

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Should I be writing this late?

No, probably not.

Am I going to regret this in the morning when I look back and realize how much my writing sucked?

Yeah, I probably am.




    That's the only word that could be used to describe what was occurring to a certain body. Both spiritually and physically, she was suspended between two realities. One was flawed, burdened with problems that people created themselves. The other was an endless world of peace where one's soul could rest from a lifetime of difficult work.

    But here she was, in a third-person view of her own body, torn between the two different paths she could go down. That aroused a real question though...

    Could she really choose where she wanted to go from here?

    And if she did, would it be the choice that the galaxy wanted? Or would it be the choice that defined who she was?

    Here was the real kicker though...

    Was it possible for the choice to be both?

    You're different than most... you've made peace with death. Why is this so?

    Gray Jedi Ahsoka Tano, also known as the Jedi's famous savior, attempted to answer what she believed to be as the Force. However, she quickly began to realize that her mostly-dead body was very much so incapable of performing the task.

    So, instead, she replied through her Force signature.

    One can't be afraid of the inevitable. I made my choice. It was either my death or the thousands of Jedi. I believe you can see which direction the scales would tip.

    Ahsoka awaited the Force's response, but it never came. Instead, she had to go through the slightly painful, yet mainly confusing process of figuring out where her soul ended and body began. She was separated from her own flesh... and that was a chilling feeling.

    Was this really what it was like to be dead?
From whatever eyes she was looking through, the Gray Jedi turned her vision from the drifting body and to her surroundings. All she could see were endless stretches of vast space and the occasional rubble that she assumed was from the collapsed planet. There was not a single space-craft in sight, let alone any other planets.

    How long has it been? How long have I been like this?

    It took a few, drawn-out moments of silence, but her question was eventually answered.

    Three days. It's been three days that your soul has been resting from the strenuous pressure you put yourself under. Now it's time to decide how long you really are going to be resting before your fate is settled in stone.

    Ahsoka glanced with shock at the limp body that was levitating through space.

    How could I possibly come back to life? I'm skilled in the Force, but I'm no voodoo master. That's the Nightsisters job.

    Your body is struggling... not dead. Have you forgotten that being gifted with the strength you have has multiple side effects?

Between Life and Death // A Gray Jedi's Legacy SequelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora