Chapter 6 // Failed Mission

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I know... I know what you are thinking.

Two updates in one day?

Yes, I actually have quite literally nothing better to do.

"Closing in in five, four, three, two..." Ahsoka quickly flipped the autopilot switch, opened the cargo hold, then swan-dived out of the cruiser. The previously free-falling ship powered up and shot off into the sky following the algorithm that Ahsoka had previously programmed into its systems, leaving the Togruta to soar through the atmosphere of Utupau and towards the ground.

    As she was diving through the air at breakneck-speeds, Ahsoka tilted her head towards her arm and focused on the specialized comms that were wrapped around her wrist and forearm like a fingerless-gauntlet. She swiped in several motions on the screen of the comms, resulting in a hologram of Utupau to appear in front of her. She leaned forward and tinkered with the hologram until she found a suitable landing sight near the area that the Jedi were supposed to be stationed, then mentally calculated the trajectory all the while taking in factors like wind and gravity.

    Once the Gray Jedi was satisfied with the route she was planning on taking, she quickly shut off the hologram, then trained her arms to her sides. Her body proceeded to accelerate through her fall, and soon enough the ground was rushing towards her. Once she caught sight of the hidden position that she was aiming at landing in, she took hold of her body with the Force and began slowing it down. By the time she managed to fully gain control, she was inches away from solid rock that would've made her body splat like a dropped egg.

    "Well, Anakin always did love living life on the edge," Ahsoka remarked to herself with a smirk as she released her control on her body and allowed herself to gently drop to the ground. She quickly rolled behind some mineral-filled crates, then popped up into a crouch and took a quick surveillance of her surroundings.

    Of course, before she could go on to the more fun part of the mission, Ahsoka had to flick her hood up over her head. If anybody caught sight of a dead person walking around...well...

    Let's just say her life would get a whole lot more interesting.

    There were supposed to be a group of four Jedi Knights that were stationed on the other side of the sinkhole that Ahsoka was hiding by. The only problem was that there was kind of a metal wall that ran alongside Ahsoka's edge of the sinkhole, so this inhibited her from being able to have a straight route to the Jedi and even being able to see them.

    Knowing that she was going to have to do this undetected, Ahsoka figured that she had to make sure that not a single soul saw her. This complicated things, given the fact that she was trying to get to the endangered Force users as quickly as she could. A single moment could determine whether or not the Jedi lived.

    Ahsoka stood up, sprinted as fast as she could in the short distance of cover that the crate gave her, then ducked into the open towards a crate closer to her targeted area. In order to move as quickly as she could, Ahsoka leaned back and lowered herself into the iconic slide. She came to a stop right behind the crate and took a quick look around, satisfied when she found that nobody had seen her. She proceeded to get back up and start running again, but this time she had to leap up to a higher platform or else she'd crash into a wall of platform beams.

    The Gray Jedi, using her young and agile body, sprinted as hard as she could, then threw herself into a series of front handsprings. Right before she crashed into the beams, she pushed up off of her hands and vaulted herself high into the air. She finished the handspring over the course of several yards, then stuck the landing perfectly on the higher platform. Without skipping a beat, she tucked down into a roll and gracefully tumbled into the cover of an abandoned cart.

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