Chapter 2 // The Count

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Not expecting to see me so soon after my update on New Identity? Well BOOM! Here I am biotches!


The Gray Jedi.

The savior.

Or so they said.

Look at us.

Dying souls.

Where is she when we all get murdered?

Where is she when we need her the most?

We'll all be dead.

And it will all be blood on her hands.

Death in her ledger.

Will she save us now?

Or will she just be another lie the galaxy is built upon?

Ahsoka's eyes flashed open as she threw herself up from the bed, performing a front-flip to solid ground while calling her lightsabers to her hands. Grunting while she remembered that she didn't have the weapons at the moment, she rose her hands into a fighting position as she breathed heavily.

The fact that it was just a dream, or a... vision... didn't soothe her in the slightest.

They were all dying. Every single one of them.

All the Togruta could remember from the images were the dead bodies literally the ground, all sharing one thing in common.

They were Light Side users.

Every single one of them had a red lightsaber protruding from them or a distinct bullet hole seeping blood. It had been catastrophic. If they hadn't died in the Battle of Exegol, then they were going to die of these strange killings.

No, Ahsoka thought to herself as she recounted more of the details, there wasn't anything strange about it. It's all clear. The Dark Side knows it can't defeat us in broad daylight, so they're doing their work from the shadows. It's all planned...

Ahsoka slowly eased herself back onto the inn's bed, a nauseous feeling growing in her stomach. She had believed that her sacrifice on the God-forsaken planet would've been enough to end this war, but it was only a mere pebble on a mountain. You know what they say... cut off a head and two more will grow back.

That had been precisely what she was terrified of.

The Jedi needed a leader to guide them, whereas, with the Sith, they thrived under chaos. That had been something that Ahsoka had so foolishly looked past, and now she was paying for it.

However, in this whole ordeal, there was something that confused, and concerned, Ahsoka very much. Where had the Sith found the manpower to do this? The only ones that Ahsoka knew of were the Sith Lord, Count Dooku, Darth Maul, and Asaaj Ventress, who probably wouldn't care to be involved in an evil scheme. Had these Sith been recent recruits? Or were these evil warriors that had been kept away from the public eye for years, prowling around and waiting for the right time to pounce?

Either way, there was a grim look on the Gray Jedi's face, they pose a deadly threat.

Ahsoka truly had tried to fall back asleep, given that is was 400 in the morning, but her brain was so wired with terror that it had made it both physically and mentally impossible to do so. Instead, she was left to lie on the bed as she stared at the ceiling, allowing potential outcomes and ideas to play out in her head. If she were to run back to the Temple as quickly as possible and warn the Jedi, then they might be able to put an end to the threat before it got out of hand.

Between Life and Death // A Gray Jedi's Legacy SequelWhere stories live. Discover now