Ready Player 2?

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SHhhhhhh. I trying. It's been a few months. I might seriously edit older chapters to fix errors with grammar and spelling. Oh well. Welcome the chapter introducing 2p Vanoss crew. Enjoy.

Second POV

You waited till the van had left before starting to walk around. The van was being drove recklessly and you didn't want to risk getting run over while they were nearby. You remembered hanging out with Vanoss and his friends one time while they were playing GTA V and this dimension reminded you of it meaning that you had to be careful. You looked around as you walked but kept yourself alert in case you heard them coming back or anyone coming at you for that matter.

You honestly didn't know how you were gonna get out of this place other than trying to find another portal, and who knew how long it would take for another portal to appear, let alone for you to find it before it closed on it's own. As you walked you started thinking about how worried everyone might be back at home. Not just Mark and everyone else at the mansion but also Ryan and his crew who you just met.

After a few more hours of walking you stopped and sat on a bench to take a break. Your legs needed a break mainly cause if you didn't give them that break they would probably give out beneath you and cause a head injury of sorts. You looked at the sky as you sat and waited for your legs to stop burning from the amount of walking you had done both before you walked into the portal and after you walked into the portal.

You continued to wait but soon heard yelling nearby, causing you to look towards it only to see this world's version of Vanoss's crew. They didn't seem focused on anything in your direction so you were kind of relieved. They seemed to be talking about something serious at the moment, other than one of them. He wasn't really talking, he was using sign language. This made you guess that he was mute but whether it was a choice or not, you probably wouldn't figure out.

After a bit your legs stopped burning enough for you to get up and comfortably continue walking in the direction that you were heading. You ended up taking a slightly longer route that way you wouldn't walk right past the crew and risk them saying something that involved you. You didn't completely know why you wanted to avoid them but they defiantly didn't look as nice as the original versions of them. You made your way back to the woods and once you were in the woods you noticed a portal.

You started running to the portal only for it to close right before you could go into it. You tried to stop yourself and skidded slightly before falling on your back. You groaned slightly as you let yourself lay there with your eyes closed. The fall hurt a bit but not too bad luckily. After a few minutes you sighed and opened your eyes so you could see to get up. You then saw four people looking down at you.

You stared at them for a moment before quietly getting up. No one dared to break the silence until you noticed a space between two of the people. So with that, you ran away from them, one of them yelling, "AFTER HER!" You kept running before climbing into a tree and climbing over to a different tree. You were hoping they only saw you climb into the first tree and if they did then you were planning on trying to leave while they tried to get you down from the tree you weren't in. But that didn't work.

You were grabbed from behind and taken out of the tree. Whoever was holding you was trying to be as careful with you as possible, like you were a fragile piece of glass or something. They were also holding you bridal style so that was something. "I got her!" The person holding you yelled before someone yelled back, "WELL KNOCK HER OUT THEN!" You looked up and saw what looked like a version of Wildcat but wearing mainly black, he also had a lot of bruises and bandages all over him. He frowned and muttered a quiet, "Sorry for this." Before you were knocked out cold.

I hope ye enjoyed.

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