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Y/n’s POV

    I had fallen asleep at one point while playing games with Razz and Dawko but now I’m just in a bedroom that I don’t remember seeing. I look around and figure it might be Ryan’s room considering the design and the recording set in the corner. I found out the time is now 7:28am so it’s a bit early.

    I walk downstairs to find Ryan and Baz asleep, Ryan on the couch, Baz in his room. I walk to the kitchen to see what there is to eat or make so I can eat. Soon enough though I find pancake mix and in the fridge there’s fruits, whipped cream, and maple syrup. I grab the items and put them on an empty counter I’ll be using to decorate the pancakes.

    I get the other ingredients for the pancakes make them one at a time in a frying pan, soon making nine pancakes in total. I heard footsteps coming from upstairs so I figure Baz has woken up. I hoped I didn’t wake him up though. I finished decorating two of the pancakes just before he came into the room, once I noticed I handed the plate to him like it was normal.

    After a few moments he finally spoke. “So you’re already awake. How did you sleep?” Baz asked you only for me to give a thumbs up, focused on decorating another pancake. Baz walked over to watch as he ate the pancakes on his plate and from the reflection on the pancake syrup bottle, I could tell her liked them.

    “Can you get Ryan up? I’m almost done with his plate and I wanna make sure he eats it while it’s warm.” I asked Baz to which he nodded and walked into the living room, though he left behind his plate. Soon I heard yelling and screeching, I tried not to laugh as I heard the two Ryans start to bicker. “Guys do you want your food to get cold or not!?!” I yelled from the kitchen.

    Ryan and Baz came into the kitchen and looked at the two new plates of pancakes, in which one was mine that I was now eating. Baz grabbed his plate and continued eating his pancakes and Ryan just now started eating. I noticed his eyes light up as he took the first bite and he quickly finished the pancakes afterwards.

    Soon Ryan asked Baz if he could talk to him in the living room in which he answered with a simple sure. I listened in only for them to be whispering, which meant I couldn’t hear them. I decided to just go ahead and clean the dishes while I waited for them to come back. After I cleaned the dishes I put the fruits and stuff I used back in their proper places.

Baz’s POV (Wow.)

“Well I might be gaining feelings for them. Why do you ask Ryan?” I answered Ryan with another question, which can sometimes take him a few minutes to comprehend. I was wondering why he asked me this so suddenly.

“I think the four of us are falling for Y/n. I can see the look in Razz’s eyes and the way Dawko acts around them. I know for sure I’m falling for them. But I want to know what triggered them to be in the woods anyway.” Ryan explained and stated at the end of his sentences.

He did have a good point, and I was curious as well. We said we would question Y/n today and we still have yet to do that. I just hope we don’t make them mad with any questions we have to ask them.

Ryan and I soon walked back into the kitchen to see Y/n putting fruits and stuff away. Questioning was about to start, but neither me or Ryan knew where we should begin. But questioning had to begin one way or another.

Here is that other chapter, I prewrote both so if there is something wrong then let me know. Later guys.

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