Where am I this time?

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You woke up in a room full of shades of pink along with other bright colors. You on a bed, similar to the one in your room at the youtuber mansion. You got up and walked to the door and attempted to open it, only to find it was locked. You kind of figured this, looking out the window to find you are not far off the ground and in the forest.

You thought a bit before hearing keys on the other side of the locked door. You looked over and noticed the door knob being moved from the other side of the door. Soon it opened and Wilford was there with a tray of food. It wasn't much but it was something you liked so it didn't really matter to you, besides, you were hungry at this point.

Wilford looked at you and smiled. "Hello (Y/n). I see that you are awake." He said as he set the tray on the dresser, closing the bedroom door behind him. You noticed that he locked it and looked towards him in curiosity. You had to find out why he kidnapped you and how you would save yourself if the others hadn't noticed your disappearance.

Meanwhile in Dark's POV

I had looked into (Y/n)'s room and found her gone. She would've told us if she left so where was she? Somewhere else in the house or in one of the enterable worlds that can be found in the house. I had to check. I found Anti and had him help me out with this (Y/n) hunt. Everyone else soon started to help yet we didn't find her anywhere. So there was only other thing that I could think of. Wilford.

Kidnapped by Youtubers.(X Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now