What the...

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I came up with this idea while looking for new stories to read. Enjoy

You were watching youtube on your laptop and you had been watching your favorite youtuber, (F/y=Favorite youtuber from one of the people in the description of the story). After a while of watching you went on to watch other youtubers. Soon falling asleep since it was 3am.

But what you didn't know was someone was watching you. Once you fell asleep he came out of the shadows and picked you up bridal style and quickly carried you out of your house to a giant mansion.

On his way in he passed a few other people before going into a bedroom putting you in the bed. After putting you in the bed he left the room and locked the door. He explained to the other people why he brought you here. Now all they needed to do is wait for you to wake up.

Kidnapped by Youtubers.(X Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now