Let's commence

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It wasn't often that Sungjae made his way to the lower floors for an inspection, but when he did, he certainly did not come unannounced.

So it was fairly surprising and distressing for the finance team to see Sungjae standing in front of their office with no previous warning, asking them to bring out the files reporting all new partnerships and contracts acquired in the past 3 years.

I mean, it was normal for a boss to want to check on things, especially the financial aspects, but in this case, Sungjae normally would have asked Caleb to take on the task.

It was not a crime to want to know about your company's finances; it was not weird to want to change the direction and area of investments. What was weird was the conversation he had with his personal secretary, Miss Currie.

She was a well-respected woman with a good education, and coming from a remarkable family, she was really befitting for the role, which is why she was one of the people he trusted the most. She had equal trust in her boss and had full intention to devote herself to the company, but what he had requested of her had been, to say the least, unexpected.

"Miss Currie," he said, his voice flat and his eyes boring into her as he studied her with a stern look.

"Yes, sir," she replied, her composure not faltering.

It was unusual for her to be called out in the middle of something like this, but she was sure that whatever Sungjae had wanted to talk about with her, she would be able to handle it.

Sungjae looked her up and down.

His eyes trailing on her slim figure, particularly on her legs, and on the little exposed area of her skin, a long slit ran, showing off her skin-coloured thighs.

Sungjae smirked before standing up.

Just like him, his secretary was on the younger side, still in her mid-twenties. Despite her self-restraint and her resilience to become an essential member of the company, she was, after all, a girl—an ambitious one at that.

She did not act impulsively like the rest of the idiotic women he unfortunately employed. No, she was sly and calculative; she knew how to adapt just like a chameleon.

Sungjae had noticed the subtle changes in her demeanour; she wore more revealing clothes, but not revealing enough to tell she was stirring away from their formal attire. She had replaced her round glasses with more suitable contact lenses, showing off the beautiful marine eyes that she had. Her skin, previously unobstructed by any artificial chemicals, was now clad in a thin layer of makeup, not enough for you to comment on but enough for it to enhance her features.

Sungjae's tall self began circling her; he did not actually stare at her, keeping his hands folded behind his back, but he did allow himself to brush his shoulders against hers, causing the woman to shiver as she felt a buzz of electricity hit her body.

She did not move,but stayed  still keeping her breathing steady and her eyes focused straight.

Sungjae smiled to himself.

Yes, she was definitely going to be useful.

"Miss Currie," he said, his voice softening in a suspicious manner.

"How long have you been working under me?" He asked her directly.

Miss Currie, or Stephanie, if you will, blinked out in surprise; she clearly was not expecting the question. She took a couple seconds deliberating on what direction this conversation was going to go, yet she answered earnestly.

"3 years and counting, sir," she replied, shooting a straight answer.

Sungjae made a noise of approval, as if he actually knew how long she had been working there for.

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