CHAPTER SEVENTEEN- their arrivals✔️

Start from the beginning

Loud voice over rides Issac. Everyone turns toward it and it is Meri sitting on the couch, "CRAP!!!I think my water just broke."

Ana and Izzy jump up and are holding Serena and Selena, "ewww we got baby crap all over us." The younger future alphas start saying, "haha you peed yourself. Don't blame Meri."

Nurse Mia walks calmly over to me, "come on with me. Let's get you changed and I will call your two coaches to come over." They walk out of the room.

Ezra looks at the boys and says, "that is enough." They both quickly sit down in their chairs. Emily and Brent walk over and take the twins. "Go look at your grandson." She says to Ezra and Donna, "We will take them home to clean up. How about we take all the kids and put them to bed. Then we will be back after they eat breakfast. They quickly gather all the pups and leave. 

Now Ezra and Donna turn back to Issac. Ezra says, "never a dull moment."

Issac says, "Before they go let me proudly introduce the next alpha of Silver Beam Pack, Dagian Ezra Woods."

Then Donna takes him in her arms and tears are running down her face. She kisses his forehead, "may the moon goddess bless you this night my very special grandson."

Ezra hugs and smacks his son on the back, "you and Lucinda did good."

Just then Jacob runs in shouting, "someone help. She having the baby."

Issac looks at his brother and looks around the room and grins, "who is having a baby."

Jacob stops and looks around, "shit, where is Sophia?" Just then Sophia walks through the door with Missy and Sunny helping her.

Missy looks at Jacob, "why did you grab the bag and run from the top floor to the hospital wing without your mate? "

Sunny adds, "we helped her down the stairs because you dumbasses still haven't arranged for the elevator to be fixed. Your mate walked down 2 flights of stairs and ran into us. We carried her down the rest."

Jacob runs up to Sophia, "I am so sorry." She places her hand on his arm and he immediately calms down.

Just then she says, "another one. This He he hee he he heeee he he heee."

Doctor Tony walks out, "what is all the commotion out here?" He looks around and say, "another one." He looks at Elder and says, "does all your children have to deliver at once. Better get Doctor Apollo for an assist." He then says Alpha Jacob go clean up and get on scrubs. I will get your mate in room 3. Sunny and Missy go with him if you still plan to coach Meri."

Jacob looks at his mom, "what you got there?"

She replies, "your nephew."

He looks at his brother and says, "you had the pup?"

Issac grins and replies, "since I cannot get pregnant, I cannot have a baby. However Lucinda had the baby." Jacob starts to walk toward the changing room, "oh and Meri's water broke and she is in the back too."

Jacob turns to his brother as he keeps walking, "all three same night?" Then he walks into the door frame."

Sunny and Missy just roll their eyes at him. "Did he not hear anything that was said?"

"He is coming," screams Sophia. "You're having the next baby."

"Baby that is not possible."

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