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"Then maybe he should just let her go." I mumble.

Take the money that was given to you Derek and get the hell out of here.

"Damn gurl, what crawled up your ass!" Lauren asks, almost laughing.

"I would hate to see what would happen if this was your daughter."

I roll my eyes at her.

Thankfully, I'm having a boy! For now.

"I need to go." I get up. "I have a lot to do before my trip tomorrow."

"Oh, baby girl. I wish you wouldn't work so hard." My mom gets up to hug me. "You need to find a nice girl and settle down."

"Maybe one day, Mom." I grunt.

Maybe if you weren't trying to sing the praises of one Derek Hamilton. I would tell you all about my Baby. But I don't know if I trust you enough right now to believe me. And I will not put my family at risk.

"Sure, I can't tag along D? I mean I could help you with the girls." She comes up to me as I'm walking out the door. "I mean nothing ever happened with that other chick, did it? I mean you haven't told me anything else since the day on the boat."

"It's complicated. And I don't have time to really get into it Lo." I sigh. "Maybe we can hang out for a little bit when I get back." I tell her

I really would love to confide in Lauren right now, but I can't. Not yet.

"Sounds good sis, I'll hold you too it." She pats my back and I'm put the door.

Later that night I'm on my bed with the FaceTime

I need to tell her some bad news.



"I need to tell you something..."

Her face changes from completely stated to worried.

"What?" She asks cautiously, and I notice her pull her blanket around her.

"Derek is in town." She groans and throws her head back. "I had one of my guys follow Him to the police station. From what he could make out from the conversation between your dad and mine, Derek didn't file the missing person police report. He admitted he knew where you were. But, he was just so worried about you and your safety." I say mockingly.

"Now what?"

"We're just going to keep what we're doing till Derek is out of the picture."

She sighs and I can see the tears start welling in her eyes. "That could take forever. I miss you. I just want to come home."

"I'll be there tomorrow."

"It's not the same."

"I know Mani. I hate it too. But it's too much of a risk. I don't trust him. He's already feeding bullshit to my parents and there just eating it up."

I see her hand rub over her 8 month pregnant belly.

"Is he kicking?"

"Yeah." she smiles. "He loves kicking me in the ribs. I can't wait to meet him." She yawns.

"I can't wait to meet him either. Why don't you get some sleep? I should be there by the afternoon."

"Will you stay on the line till I fall asleep?"

"Of course. There's no better sight ." She smiled and puts the screen on my side of the bed.

"I love you." She whispers, her voice now deep with sleep.

"I love you too." I touch the screen, before laying down and letting sleep take me over too.

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