Chapter 13

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The interior of the private jet was very luxurious. Being daughter of world famous psychologist, she had experience fair share of luxury but this is way more than that. Isabella took her seat near window. Clouds always fascinated her. So whenever she travelled in airplane she insisted on taking window seat just to look outside. Its like she is free like bird and she can fly as high as she wants. Her father always call her little birde. Thoughts about her late father again made her sad. Its has only been ten days,  how will she survive without him for rest of her life. A lone tear escaped from her eyes followed by another one. She was not even aware that she was crying. But her brothers were.

Vincent walked over to her and sat on his knees just be on her level. He took her hands in his hands and looked at her. Isabella looked at him. His eyes showed sorrow. He was feeling her pain. Vincent was a man that took pleasure from others pain but Isabella's pain was just like an arrow pierced straight to his heart.

"We are here for you. " These five words were enough for Isabella to loose remaining control. She moved forward and hugged Vincent tight. As if her life is dependent on it. She was wailing like a child. Matteo and Darco were helplessly watching them.  Vincent hugged her back pulling her more closer to him. He just let her cry holding her closer. After some time,  they heard just sniffing. Vincent pulled away and looked at her. Carefully wiping her tears he cupped her face and said, "better?"  Nodding Isabella sat back on the seat. She was embarrassed of her break down. Looking down she mumbled, "I need to use washroom."  Vincent nodded and instructed Matteo to take to her washroom while he talk to the pilot.

Walking back from by cockpit Vincent saw Isabella sitting at her seat with Darco beside her. Darco was showing her something on his phone. Vincent took his seat infront of them. Matteo was sitting at the back working on his laptop.

It has been four hours,  Isabella was still looking outside. Darco suggested her to sleep but she politely refused. Matteo came and sat beside Vincent.

"Chiaramente è stanca ma non dorme. Vuoi che le dia qualcosa per dormire?"(Clearly she is tired but she is not sleeping. Do you want me to give her something to sleep?)  Matteo asked Vincent.

Vincent looked at her red eyes and signed. "Mescolalo nel succo e daglielo." (Mix it in juice and give it to her.)  Matteo got her orange juice. He forwarded the glass to her. Isabella did not like orange juice but she did not want to offend her brothers. They were already worried about her. She took the glass and began drinking by taking small sips. Once she finished she returned the glass to Matteo and once again started looking out of the window. Fifteen minutes later she started feeling drowsy. Something is wrong with her. Someone picked her up and started walking somewhere. That person put her down on a soft surface and covered with a blanket. She was still fighting to keep her eyes open. She was not ready to face those nightmares. What is happening to her. She felt soft kiss on her forehead. Darco was looking at her with love. He smiled and said, "Sleep princess, you need it. We are sorry for this." And that moment she realised they drugged her. After a while she lost the battle and closed her eyes.

Six hours later, plane landed on the roof of Knight mansion. Devil was standing over there waiting for his angel to arrive. This exile of thirteen years is over. No longer he needs to see those painting. He will have his angel.

Soon the gate opened. The first one to walked out was Matteo, then Darco and at last Vincent stepped out with a girl in his arms. Is she alright?  That was the first thing Devil thought. He was raging from inside. Someone hurt his angel. Walking upto them, he took Isabella from Vincent arms and hugged her tight. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing softly.

Devil looked at Vincent with murder in his eyes. "Explain." Vincent saw the same look in his father's eyes that he saw on the night Isabella was taken,  a promise of revenge.

"We had to drug her. She was not sleeping and was crying continuously. " Vincent explained. Devil was now livid. His angel was crying." Why" he asked. This time Matteo answered. "Father she was missing the man who took care of her all these years. He died few days back in plane crash." Matteo was careful not to say her father, Devil would had shot him then and there. His father was cruel. The brothers never received even a single ounce of affection from him but they respected him as their capo. Their sister was different, she was his angel.

Satisfied by the answer, he walked inside. That fucker is already dead,  otherwise he would had loved to make him cry with blood tears for making his angel cry. Vincent,  Darco and Matteo followed their father. Their men bowed down their head at the sight of the princess. Devil walked up to her room it was just between his room and Vincenzo's room. He took her inside and softly placed her on the mattress,  covered her with the blanket and kissed her forehead. A lone tear escaped his eyes. His princess was finally home with him.

Brothers was shocked to see their father so emotional. They never saw him smiling forget about crying. Wiping off his tear, he stood up and walked out of the room instructing all three of them to meet him in his office.

Entering his office, Devil walked towards the small bar,  pour himself a drink and started drinking his whisky. Vincent,  Darco and Matteo stood near his table to address them. "Vincent?"

Vincent knew Devil was asking about the details. He explained him about everything he know. Devil silently listened to every details.

"When will the drug effect will finish off? " Devil asked. Matteo answered," Four more hours. But it can take more,  she was very tired. Her body wanted rest. "

Devil nodded and dismissed them. Later Lucas entered the office. He found Devil looking at his and Rose portrait. "She looks exactly like her." Devil said without looking at him.

"So its true then. Princess is home. " Lucas said. Devil just nodded and signalled Lucas to get himself a glass of whisky. Devil and Lucas were best friends. They shared everything with each other. And Lucas knew his friend and capo need him right now. He poured himself a drink and sat on the couch looking outside the window imaging how life is gonna be now?

"How will you explain her about you and your work? " Lucas asked.

Devil was thinking about this only. Now that Lucas said it out loud,  Devil answered, " No one will tell her anything.  I had already instructed everyone. Its either silence or death. I can't lose her again."

"We won't be able to hide it long. Your enemies can use her naivety to hurt you." Lucas said.

Devil looked away from the portrait. It was raining again. He walked towards the window. "I will protect her. This time I won't lose."

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