Chapter 3

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It was a night were devil lost the last ounce of humanity he had in him. Though he was ruthless but after Rose he never killed an innocent. It was the Promise he made to his Rose.

Rose betrayal had already killed him and now losing Bella made him thirsty for revenge. Revenge from his wife, revenge from his men like Angelo who was part of the plan and revenge from Gretchen who took his angel away.

That night while sitting on his knees on the edge of the mountain he made a promise, a promise to hurt Rose in worst possible manner. To never let her soul get peace.

He could hear Lucas Shouting orders to his men. His last attempt to save the princess and also to save the world from the Devil's wrath .He knew his king will kill without remorse now. Only person who can keep him sane after Rose is now gone. 

Devil was just sitting at the same spot and staring the space. It was too calm. Lucas knew he had to do something. Something to keep him stable. He knew what the devil was capable of. He had already seen his worst side before he met Rose. Rose brought him calmness. She was the missing piece of his heart. Now that piece is gone forever.

"I want you all to search each and every part of that jungle." It shook even the deadly assassin like Lucas to say the next words. "I want their dead bodies to be brought to me as soon as possible."

As soon as Devil heard the word bodies he snapped. He shot Lucas . The bullet pierced Lucas's arm but not even a whimper was heard. It's like Lucas accept this wound as his punishment for calling his princess as dead bodies. " Lucas next time be careful with your words. You are talking about my angel. She is alive. Breathing . Do you understand. Now before you utter one more word of nonsense go find her and Gretchen." Devil's eyes was shinning with rage. Lucas knew that look. " yes king."

Devil turned his back and stared at the same place where once Gretchen was standing with his angel. "I will find out your every secret Rose. And No one can separate me from my angel."

24 hours later,

Since Last 24 hours Devil is sitting in his office. With a glass of whisky in his hand, he was continuously looking at his and Rose portrait hanging on the wall. It was his second bottle. He had not spoken a word since his last instruction to Lucas. Everyone knew that only Devil's angel can pacify devil. No one in their worst nightmare had thought that someone will betray Devil, that too his own wife. They all know Devil will not only crush the traitor but will kill all his family members in the worst possible manner. Even the children were not spared.

But he changed when he met Rose.

Devil closed his eyes. He was remembering all his moments with Rose. It was like he was trying to capture Rose in his memories. He was not willing to leave her. A knock on the door brought him back to reality. "Come in"

Lucas entered the office. The office smelled of alcohol. But he knew Devil was in his full sense. No amount of alcohol can make his drunk. He always had high tolerance.

"Updates" Devil asked. Lucas replied, "King there is no trace of princess or Gretchen." Devil looked into the eyes of Lucas. Dead is the first word came into Lucas's mind when he looked into Devil's grey eyes. Devil looked at Lucas bandaged arm and back into his eyes, he knew Lucas have something else to say which he is reluctant to share. "Continue."

 One word from Devil and Lucas reluctantly shared his facts and evidences to state and prove his theory, "The height from which Gretchen Jumped with princess was above 100 feet. Even if we think by some miracle she is saved, there is a jungle full of wild animals who would love to feast on injured humans. I have found some blood sample in the area were we think Gretchen must have fallen and also at that place we have found some foot prints of tigers. Even if we leave the possibility of been eaten by the animals and think she is fallen in the river, that river nearby full of crocodiles. That is the most deadly jungle King. I am sorry to say an injured woman with an infant cannot survive in that jungle. I have instructed men to keep on searching and I have also given that blood sample for DNA test. I am sorry King but I think we should be prepared for the worst. The situation is not in our favor."

After speaking out his mind Lucas expected a bullet in his head as Devil's reward for delivering his precious angel's death news. But what he saw was totally unexpected. Devil was laughing. Lucas always feared his silence but his laugh was sinister.

After laughing hard on Lucas's theory Devil said, "Lucas Rose planned this very well. My innocent wife was very smart. She will never kill an innocent that too her child. You know three months back  how Rose killed herself? Let me remind you, she slashed both her wrists and also stabbed the knife in her stomach. She was a doctor. She very well knew how to stab herself if she wants to kill the baby. But Angel was safe. No harm was incurred on her due to knife wound. Only Rose was not able to survive because of blood loss. She unconsciously saved the baby and left me. Gretchen is also like Rose she can kill herself but not the baby. Your facts and evidences may prove your theory, but I know my angel is very much alive. Take more men and find her. I want her. And this time when you decide to show your face get me some good news. Also send Terrence to call Vincent and Vincenzo. It's time to hurt Rose's soul."

Lucas knew he was digging his grave by asking more questions, "How?" Devil smirked, "Simple it's time to break the promise. It's time to snatch their last remaining innocence."

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