Chapter 10

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"what do you mean something is wrong with her. Her daughter was missing thats why her blood pressure dropped. Now since she is back everything would be fine."  Alex said. It was more like he was reassuring himself that nothing can go wrong with Lily.

"We also thought so. But her medical reports are showing something unusual. I would like to go through some tests. As you are her husband I require your permission to go through it. " doctor explained.

Alex doesn't felt the need to correct the doctor that he was just her friend and boss nothing else.
He said," Sure go ahead. Tell me where I need to sign. "

After signing the papers he went to the ward. Lily and Bella were sleeping hugging each other. Both were scared of losing each other. An adorable smile was there on Bella's face. She was in her safe heaven. Lily will protect her with everything she had.

Alex moved towards the bed and softly shook Lily in order to wake her up.

"What? " Lily asked in her sleepy voice.

" I am just taking Bella so that doctors can check her up properly. She had slight fever when I got her here. " Alex explained softly.

" Alex please don't let her out of your sight. " Lily pleaded. She was still scared of losing her. It was like living what happened seven years ago.

" I won't. You take rest. " Alex reassured. He took sleeping Bella in his arms and walked out of the ward.

Doctors assured him that everything is fine. He can take Bella back home. They prescribed some medicines for the pain and fever. Alex took Sleepy Bella to meet her mother once again before he take her back to his home.

"Mum, when are coming back home? " Bella asked her mother in her sleepy tone.

" Soon baby, Go with your superman. Take lots of rest. Please take care of yourself and mumma will meet you soon. " Lily said with teary eyes. It was difficult for her to let her go even with Alex. She was scared.

" Sunshine doctors wanted to run some test before they discharge you. Its nothing serious just some regular test. I will visit you in the morning, Liam and Shane needs me. You take rest and Bella is safe with me. Dont worry. " Alex said and kissed Lily's forehead. Lily watched silently when Alex walked out of her ward with Bella thinking about Alex's feeling for her and Bella's need for a father. Maybe she could give Alex a chance.

Alex drove Bella home. When he reached his home Bella was already asleep. He carefully  picked up Bella in his arms and took her inside.

As he rang the bell Rita opened the door. Usually his mother looked after his kids when he is away but her mother was busy with one of her charity event so he asked Bella's baby sitter Rita to look after his kids. Rita took sleeping Bella from Alex and took her to her room. Bella had her own room in Alex's house which she herself decorated with the help of Shane and Liam. Rita tucked sleeping Bella in her bed and returned back to living room to talk to Alex.

Alex was sitting on the couch with his eyes closed and head resting back on the couch. On hearing Rita's footstep he opened his eyes and asked, "Boys?" He had not seen them since last  48 hours. They must be worried.

"They are sleeping. They were worried about Bella. " Rita replied.

" Hmmm,  I will go and check on them. Can you please sleep with Bella tonight. She is still scared with what happened. " Alex requested.

" Dont worry I will take care of her. You take rest,  you had not slept since last two days. " Rita replied.

Alex wishes Rita good night and walked to his room. He was very tired. On the way to his room he stopped at his sons room. Shane and Liam were sleeping peacefully. He cannot even imagine losing them. He kissed their forehead,  adjusted their blanket and murmured good night.

On entering his room he was attacked by the thoughts that were haunting him throughout this whole incident.  He cannot imagine losing Lily and Bella. He can't wait anymore. He will soon ask her to marry him. They will be happy family. With this thought Alex closed his eyes dreaming about their future together.

Next morning,

Alex got ready to visit Lily. His phone ranged. Lily's doctor was calling. Alex picked up the call hoping that her reports are fine.

"Hello doctor, is Lily fine? "Alex asked.

" Yes Dr. Hardy for now everything is fine. All test are done. You will get her reports within two hours. " doctor informed Alex.

Thanking doctor for the information Alex went downstairs to meet Bella and his sons.  Liam and Shane were playing scrabble with Bella. Scrabble was Bella's favourite game. Boys hated this game but still for Bella's happiness they can play it all day long. Alex stopped just outside the dinning area to watch these three kids playing. After few minutes Shane noticed his father standing. He stood up and ran towards his father hugging him tightly.

"Dad,  I missed you. " Shane whispered.

" I missed you too bud. I see you are having fun with Bella. " Alex replied mischievously.

" She wanted to play. " Shane grunted.

Alex laughed at his son's reply. Walking towards Bella he noticed faint bruises on her hands. Her bandage had been changed and she looked much better than yesterday. Kissing softly at her forehead Alex said," Wanna meet your mother. "

" Yes" Bella excitedly replied. "Then go and change and come back within ten minutes. I will be waiting here. What about boys?  Wanna meet Lily?" Alex asked.

"Yes,  we will back within five minutes. "Liam replied and ran towards his room along with Shane to get ready.

Within ten minutes all three kids were back in dinning room ready to meet Lily. Alex picked up his keys and said," Lets go. "

Reaching hospital first thing he did was to drop all the kids in Lily ward. After checking up with her he walked towards her doctor's cabin. Its time to get the results. Alex knocked the cabin door.

" Dr. Hardy I was waiting for you. Please have a seat. " Doctor said

" So everything is fine. Right. " Alex asked.

" I am afraid the answer is no. I am sorry Dr. Hardy but your wife is suffering from brain tumour." Doctor said.

Alex was shocked. Here he was planning to get married to Lily now this. " But its curable right. By surgery or therapy Lily will be cured."  Alex asked expectantly.

" Sorry Dr. Hardy. But she only have two months maximum. We can start the treatment straightaway but two months is all I can give you. " Doctor said.

Two months thats it. Last night he was planning their future together now they wont even have their present. Alex walked out of the cabin with tears rolling down on his cheeks.

Walking slowly towards Lily's room he was remembering all their moments together.

"Shane and Liam don't let Bella bully you. You don't have to play scrabble if you don't like it. And Bella you can play video games with them sometimes. " Lily said.

Her voice brought Alex out of his thought. Tears rolling down from his cheeks he saw Lily,  Bella and his sons laughing on Liam story about the prank he pulled on his teacher. They were happy unaware about the storm about to hit them.

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