Leaving for a while

Start from the beginning

Don't come looking for me... Even though you probably won't. If I shall die, while I'm gone.. Don't worry

I'll be gone for a while, I'm sorry....



Dear Bakugo,

I'm fine if you care, I'm sorry for not telling you about my feelings... I promise you that I would never have kissed you... You noticed it the first time, how do you know it was me, how do you know it wasn't toga again....?

I'll be gone for a while, so don't worry also tell your mother not to worry about me. She seems to worry about me a lot..

You know how I have Hanahaki Disease, well guess what.... Your the reason I have it... Don't worry I don't blame you.. It's my fault after all for falling for you..

Now you should understand why I don't what to have the surgery, but I guess if you hate me so much... It won't be that bad.



Dear father,

I'll be gone for a while, don't worry I'll be fine. I'm just going to visit some people I haven't seen in a while.

Just letting you know, I think it has gotten worse, so I may either die while I'm gone or I will get the surgery...



After finishing the letters/notes. I place then into envelopes and writing the name for each envelope. I wait till it's late and everyone's asleep before I leave. I text my brother asking if he can let me stay for a while. He agrees of course.

I grab my bag and most of my belongings and leave my room heading straight for the kitchen. Placing the envelopes on the counter I make my way to the door. Turning around I smile.. Bye for now....

"Where are you going?" A voice appears behind me. I turn around again to see bakugo standing there just staring at me. I smile again at him.

"Don't worry about it... You'll find out later.." I say to him turning back around. Starting to walk again. "I have a question for you." Bakugo says to me. Stopping I wait for a moment for him to ask his question.

"Am I the reason? The reason for you having Hanahaki." he asks. I don't say anything for a while then decide to answer. "You'll know in the morning... You should sleep..." I answer him, not facing him at all.

Walking out of the dorm building I am not stopped. I make my way to my brother's home. I knock on his gate door, waiting for an answer.

"Be gone! You have not been invited!" One of the Yakuza members that I have never met before. "Let me in this instance! I have been invited by the boss himself!" I yell to him. This makes the man angry.

"How dare you, you brat! Know your place!" The man yells at me. He come down to me and grabs me by my throat picking me up and choking me. "I-If y-y-you do-don't bel-beli-believe m-me the-then g-get yo-your bo-boss." I try my best to tell him. He ignores me, but yet he still gets the other member to get the boss/ my brother.

A few minutes pass and my throat is in pain. He let me down but I'm guessing I have some bruises, due to how hard he was holding me. I was dropped to the ground and tried up at ground point. Brother hurry! Again a few minutes pass and the gate opens to my brother/ their boss. The members bow down to him.

I jump up from where I'm sitting and run to my brother, but before I can get to him I am pushed to the ground by the member. I look up at my brother to see his angry face. I jump up again and run towards my brother, this time I dodged the man and hug my brother tight. He hugs me back.

"You idiot! What do you think your doing! Why did you not let her through!?" My brother yells at the man. This surprised the man, he must be new. I stick my tongue out at him with a smirk. He turns to Kurono, then speaks. "Get rid of him." My brother then looks down to me.

"I know you texted me you were coming, but you never said why and you could have texted me when you got here." he asks me. I just look down at the ground.

"Sorry, I just wanted to get out of there. I kinda thought they would remember me..." I said to him not looking up at him. He just hugs me tighter, grabbing my hand he leads me into the building. Kurono walks towards my stuff and picks it up.


A day passes, Kai asks me why I came, even though he didn't mind. I explain to him what had happened, how everyone was ignoring me, how I was accused of kissing my crush/best friend. He was furious with my classmates.

"It's Fine, I'm just going to be gone for a while, they won't even notice im gone. I'm going to try and find someone. I might also have the surgery." I explained to him. He just nods, I'm sure he is glad I'm going to have the surgery. Yawning I begin to feel tired, you could say that I haven't slept in a while.

"You should head to bed, you can start searching tomorrow. Please be safe, my little sister.." he says to me as he gestures for a maid to lead me to a room. I bow and thank him. I guess I could use some sleep.

Following the lady, she leads me to a room with a lock. Opening the door I see all my stuff, my phone was buzzing like Crazy. The class should have gotten my letters I wrote. Looking down at my phone I see messages from Izu~Chan, Bakugo, Mina and Kirishima. Ignoring them I go straight to a certain persons messages.


Hey, So I'm dying...
And I kind  of want to see you
before anything happens.
Can we please meet up?

Hey, Are you sure
you want to see me?
You may be disappointed..

Why would I?
I don't care what has happened,
I just want to see you...
Everyone seems to hate me at the moment..

Meet me at xxxx xx street,
At xx:xx tomorrow
I'll come find you..


After messaging Toya, I decide to change and get some sleep. Tomorrow I will go to see him. I can't wait, I've been waiting years to see him. Drifting into a deep sleep I am overcome with nightmares.

Not scary Nightmares, but nightmares of my class, one that just make me feel terrible. Suddenly Bakugo appears in my dream and tell me how he doesn't love me and that he would never love me..

Waking up from my sleep, I get the urge to vomit. Running to the nearest bathroom, I vomit up huge orange roses. The bathroom door opens wide as a voice is heard before I pass out. That voice being my brother. He just yells my name out as he sees me fall.

Thank you for reading!
Hope you enjoyed!

Have a nice day/night!

Stay safe

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