"So...you're a fellow and you have come to Seattle Grace to complete your fellowship under my guidance,"

"Yes, Dr Webber was very supportive of my decision and he said you're the best person under whom I can do my fellowship,"

"Flattery isn't going to get you anywhere Dr Duval. Tomorrow, at 7 am sharp, don't be late,"

"Back up. You're sucking up all of my oxygen,"

Bailey glared over at everyone who was surrounding her and taking up all her "oxygen", Renee was standing by the desk checking her list for Ilaria's birthday, she just wanted to make sure everything was alright and up to the mark. Mark wasn't much help when it came to the planning as he seemed to be distracted by nothing and everything in her house, her closet, her old photographs, her medical notes. The new hospital ranking was supposed to be coming today and everyone seemed to be a little over-enthusiastic about that so they were surrounding Bailey, who was on the computer, and harassing the poor lady.

"I am trying to see-" Derek said.

"There's nothing to see yet," Bailey snapped at him.

"It had to be there at 4 pm," Hahn commented. Renee wasn't a huge fan of Hahn and she wasn't sure why maybe because Hahn behaves like she' better than everyone else and how the entire world should bow in front of her.

"It is 4:15 p.m," Mark commented offhandedly.

"Yes supports on refresh, you must refresh the page," Christina said as she hits the refresh button on the screen.

"That's what I do every 10 seconds. Wait-" Bailey snapped again.

"There's still nothing?" Meredith asked as she walked over at the station.


"Hello," Derek greeted Meredith. Renee wasn't fully sure where or how their relationship was progressing because she needed to know if she needed to send them an invitation together or individually.


"There's nothing yet?" Alex asked as he hit the refresh button.

"No! wait!"

"People you've got to stop harassing her, she knows where the refresh button is," Renee said as she continues working on the list.

"You go up a rank. Hopkins is exceeded and the second one leaves," Mark said.

"We exceed Hopkins, we will stay in second place," Derek said raising an eyebrow at Mark.

"It would be the third," Hahn said.

"Third? Pessimistic," Derek said in a slightly mocking tone.

"Realistic. The classification of CHU depends on many criteria," Hanh said.

"Oh, three out of five....it would be nice I can live with three," Mark smirked.

"Should update-" Alex went to say.

"This is key to anything that makes me-" Bailey went to say but was interrupted by Izzie.

"Hey, there's nothing yet? No.....and then just update," Izzie said as she tried to hit the refresh button but instead got her hand smacked.

"I do not stop ... okay, come on everybody emerges. Lapping stop, stop speculating Ranking will be published when it will be can not help it when it gets here, I will tell you far, clear, leave me alone I ...."

"It is displayed-"

"Oh, number one, Hopkins. Number two, Mayo." Renee said as she read off the computer screen.

"I said it," Hahn said proudly.

"Three, Cleveland clinic?" Bailey gasped.

"What?" Derek said disbelievingly.

"Four, Mass Gen," Renee continued to read off the screen.

"What? Wait, we stayed in fifth place," Christina said hopefully.

"No. There is no fifth,"

"What's going on with you and Meredith?"

Derek who was looking at some stats looked up to see Renee standing in front of him with Ilaria holding her hand, the little girl he had seen a few months back was now standing, he turned back to see his friend still looking at him. Derek had a little inclination of who gave Meredith the idea about the big gestures and he couldn't be sure as it could be either Mark or Renee. He looked over at Ilaria and picked her up before looking back at Renee who was still watching him.

"Did you advise Meredith for that grand gesture?" Derek asked and smirked when he saw a little flatter of Renee's expression. Ilaria had now proceeded to remove his pen torch and play with it.

"Don't answer my question with a question,"

"You gave her that idea, didn't you? You knew how much of a sucker I am about big gestures,"

"Yeah, we know from the way you wrote Addison that song for your wedding,"

"It was a great song,"

"I was embarrassed to even be on your entourage,"

"I can't be with Meredith-"


"Until I break up with Rose,"

"Forgot you were dating her,"

"I need to break up with Rose soon but I don't know how to,"

"Why are you standing in the cold?"

Renee looked over at Bailey, Izzie, Alex, Christina and Meredith who were all shivering in the cold, she had wrapped herself up in a pretty thick coat and had gotten out to get her lunch when she saw Bailey and the others standing by the ambulance bay in the cold. Everyone seemed to very affected when Seattle Grace was shifted from Trauma level I to Trauma level II, Richard and Bailey didn't seem to take it well as the majority of the Trauma's were taken to Mercy West.

"We are waiting for the imaginary traumas to come in," Alex commented as Bailey glared at him.

"We'll get the traumas. They will come in,"

"The residents will be pretty useless if they get frozen up by the cold,"

"Dr Foster, could I join you? Seeing there isn't any trauma coming in,"

"Shut up, Trauma will come in,"

"Dr Bailey, you know that Mercy West has the best trauma," Christina commented.

"Someone will come!" Bailey said determinedly.

"We're here in the hope that someone is seriously injured. Pray that someone is suffering and is on the brink of death And the ambulance to take him here because we're closer than Mercy West," Meredith said optimistically.


"That's morbid," Renee commented as she decided to wait with them and see if they need help with the incoming trauma.

"Wow. You and God are cool with that,"

"Shit, I forgot about God. Alright, let's just go on back inside?" They all turn to go inside when a damaged limousine drives into the ambulance bay and the driver, a bleeding lady in an evening gown, gets out of the limousine;

"I drove the limousine on the ice ... All by myself, ten blocks,"

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