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She crumpled the note into a ball and threw it across the room. What was the budget going to be this time? She pulled out her phone and opened her bank app. Her mother had deposited a hundred euro. She usually did weekly instalments while she was away, so this should be enough. She'd had far worse weeks in the past. Still, a little warning would've been nice.

Now in a bad mood, she stomped her way childishly down the stairs, grabbed the abandoned tucks and a carton of ice cream from the freezer and curled up on her bed to do what she normally did in this situation. Cry and watch shitty romcoms while trying not to think about life. Most of the time though, she would barely make it through one or two movies before crying herself to sleep.

She was halfway through the first movie, right at the part where things start to go downhill for the characters in order to have a satisfying dramatic reconciliation at the end, when she got a text. Confused, face covered in cracker dust, fingers sticky with melted ice cream, looking like she hadn't slept in days, she picked up the phone and checked her messages. Who could possibly be texting her now?

The name that popped up on her screen only added to her confusion. Molly? What was she texting for?

Hey Alex, I know you're probably avoiding me, but could I come over? I need a getaway.

P.S. I've got ice cream and gin.

Alex was confused, and a little hesitant, but who was she to turn down gin? She quickly sent Molly her address, and then, realising once again the state she was in, rushed to take a shower before her arrival.

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