Ch.29 I Will Play For U

Start from the beginning

"He's handsome and all," Seika mutters, blushing a little. "But not our type." 

"Yeah." Hina and Hekima nods in agreement. 

"Well, I thank you for that." I smiled as I put on my mask. "Don't tell anyone about this." Aratani backs me up by giving them a serious look. The 3 nods. 

"We wouldn't want our teammate to get hurt or be in trouble like this morning." Hekima reassures as the 2 hums in response. Miyuki opens the door as they all went out. 

"So you do like him right, Miyuki-san?" Hekima asked. I hummed in response as the 3 squeals. Geez, I hope they don't tease me. I will immediately blush or even ignore them and him. Aratani pats my shoulder as she laughs. I grunted a little as I am blushing. 


Kiyoomi's POV

I'm touching my bandaged finger as I stood in the corner, waiting with everyone for the girls. The last few girls came and Miyuki was with them. I watched behind my long curly bangs, looking like a stalker. I didn't care. She said that I shouldn't go near her since everyone will be watching us. I had to wait until we go onto the train. I really hate waiting but only for her. 

As we all went to our buses, I got a text on my phone as I looked at it on the bus. I smiled underneath my mask as I read it. 

Beautiful Snow💙 | 6:47

You did great, #1 Ace

I heard about your finger, hope you can play tomorrow.

I can't wait to see you.

Does that mean.....we're official???????????? I threw something at Komori who was on his phone across from me. I showed him my phone, not wanting him to touch it. EW. He smiled and punched the seat and jumping in his seat as I looked at him with a confused look. 

"Is that what I think it is?" Komori kept on smiling. 

"What?" I asked, impatiently. He then looks over the seats as the others were looking at him. 

"You alright, Komori?" Iizuna-senpai asked. Komori chuckles nervously before apologizing. He points to his phone and I understood. I got a text from him and my heart started to pound. 

Motoya | 6:48 

Are you guys a couple?

Well.....I don't know! I mean, I want to be closer to her. But I hate the attention as well. Couple. Hmmm. I don't want to do PDA. But what if she wants to do it? I shrugged at him. Komori then texts something back. 

Motoya | 6:48

Just confess already!! I'm sure she'll understand. Admit it, Sakusa. You like her.

I turned away and looked out the window. Sighing and only thinking about Miyuki. Would she feel the same way? I think she likes me back. We do text each other almost every night.  And having small talks here and there in our classes. I enjoy them. I don't need to worry about germs around her since she's trying to stay clean for the sake of her face being as clear and clean. 

Okay. I admit. I like everything about her. Even though I hate confessions from girls, I would do this once for someone like her. I just don't want to say it. But I also want to know what she's thinking. How she feels about me. I returned to her text.

Me | 6:51

Thank you, Beautiful Snow. 

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