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It felt like my heart was going to explode from my chest.The feel of the gun in my hand, staring down the barrel of hers and the awful silence in the room.

"Your mother was so resitant, like you right now, but she broke eventually. I offered her millions." she said gesturing with the gun. And even as her golden son and grandson beheld her as the monster she was,she kept going.  "She wouldn't take any of it." There were 6 different guns pointed in my direction and still all I cared about was what she was saying to me right now, what she was confessing.

"I'll admit she was beautiful, smart even, but your father was the only heir after Gio so stupidly died and your grandfather was practically on his death bed.I finally got to her when I got rid of her parents. I threatened to get rid of you too, but she was gone before I could get to her." She said looking up at me her eyes cold. I couldn't breathe.

"After the fact I realized I was wrong, but it hadn't been pointless. Your father married Sara, heartbroken. He refused to speak to me and his father even as your grandfather died on his deathbed, not even knowing why.So hear me clearly when I say, I will not allow you to ruin what I've built. Michele will quickly get over this just like before." she finished and the weight of the world seemed to fall back over me, rage and grief pulling through me until I was numb, just like that night. Again I could feel my gun, and see hers, aimed to kill me, her little inconvenience.

"Luca." I managed to push his name past my lips, a warning, and I pulled the trigger. The room exploded into chaos.




I didn't care if I'd killed her. I didn't care if my father would hate me for it.

Some people were casually fleeing, Luca had disabled Victoria's guards the minute I pulled the trigger, and only Gianna was at her side, catering to what looked like only a shoulder wound. The Ricchi men were shooting there way out of the room, and more people than I realized in the room were Luca's allies covering him. His face didn't change as he fired shot after shot, no glee, no remorse, and I was just numb. My father was yelling, Christian was protecting his mother, who'd fainted, and sister who even through it all was looking at me.

Victoria always found a way to be one step ahead.

The man in front of me, one of Luca's men, fell down, a wound to his leg; and I'm not sure if it's because of how close he was to me, but I could feel a hot pain spreading across my body as I dropped to my knees beside him, my vision blurring with tears? And just like last time, the heaviness sunk in as I watched the blood seeping from his wound, covering my hands, the front of my dress. I felt tired, I couldn't even hear the gunshots anymore. And in that moment I just kept searching for them until I found them. Those glowing amber eyes, wide, his brows furrowed in rage as he moved closer to me. My name on his lips over and over, Luca Luciano was screaming. And then he was pulling me into his arms and I was melting away into a hot  pool of darkness.


It was still hot. It felt like I'd fallen into hell. My abdomen was burning and I couldn't focus, let alone open my eyes through the pain.There were more people touching me now. Luca was still yelling.

" I don't care what whole they crawled into, I want that bastard's whole branch gone tomorrow. None of their shipments clear the dock. Kill every last one of those rats we caught tonight. And tell Michele that if he calls asking for his daughter one more time, I'll finish the job Bella started and kill his whole family." he snapped. Even with my eyes closed I could picture his face, the glow of his eyes lulling me back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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