The Consequence

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I knew Victoria was probably awake. Her crony Gianna had probably reported to her first thing this morning that I hadn't been in bed this morning. As Luca pulled up the drive I asked him to stop before he got to the gate. There was no need to add fuel to the already unavoidable explosion that was going to happen when I walked through those doors. Victoria had made it clear she didn't want me anywhere Luca, and if she found out I was at his house last night she'd have me on lockdown even if we had an agreement.

"Last night was great, but it'd be great if you pretended like you haven't seen me since that night," I said turning to Luca. "This can never happen again. You and me in the same space. cool?"

If the amused look in his eyes didn't give it away then the rich chuckle he let out and then the full-on laughter did.

"Is something funny?" I narrowed my eyes and he swept his hair from his face shaking his head.

"Every time I think there's nothing left that  you can surprise me with, you prove me wrong. It's never happened like this. Not once, has a girl turned to me after I've fucked her brains out and gone 'this can never happen again.'" he slid his sunglasses on his face leaning his head forward against his arms on the wheel.

"Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble." I scoffed.

"Please," he scoffed with a smirk, " I'm intrigued. It makes me even more intent on doing the exact opposite."

"I'm so dead serious with you Luca. Victoria will have both our necks."

"I'm serious too Principessa. I told you I don't take orders, nor do I give two flying fucks about what Victoria wants," he said the amusement leaving his voice as my grandmother's name left his mouth.

"I have to go," I said reaching for the door, but Luca caught hold of my hand and brought it to his lips.

"Until next time," he said and even with those glasses on I knew those eyes were fixed on me, compelling me. This boy would be the death of me.

"I keep telling you that can't happen," I said getting out of the car, and he rolled down his window just enough so I could hear him.

"I don't take orders, Bella." And he was reversing down the drive. I turned around heading towards a raging storm of Victoria.


For the second time this morning, I'd opened the door with someone waiting for me on the other side. Another hand wrenching me through the doorway. I shook her off preparing for the barrage.

"I told you the day I picked you up in New York,"  Victoria's dull grey eyes were lit up with rage.  She was a control freak and the wrinkles in her forehead said that he face stayed in this position a lot.

"You mean the day you kidnapped me." I interrupted.

"I told you Bella to stay away from that boy. He's bad news, and I want you nowhere near him."

"It's the fucking mafia, everybody's bad news. If it wasn't for him I'd be dead in an alley or if I'd managed to escape then, locked up in a prison cell."

"Do you think he doesn't have a reason for that? You can't have survived this long being this naive. What else is a pretty, young girl good for other than to have sex and pawn, when you're someone like Luca. Did you think he cared about you?"

"Do you hear yourself?" The grey ponytail she had slicked to her head must've been killing her brain circulation.

"Look at you. You already slept with him, didn't you? Stupid Girl. I warned you."

"I'm not a child. I can screw whoever I please. Besides, don't you think you're being a real hypocrite given the only reason you brought me here is to use me. To marry me off and hide your son's mistake."I spat and she nodded her head.

"You're right. I was going to put it off, but obviously, you're out of control. You're so much like your silly mother. Because of your little stunt, I'm changing my plans. Tomorrow you're going to attend the dinner I'm hosting, and you're going to play nice with Enzo Ricchi. I've already spoken with his mother, and you too would be a good match."

"You can't make me marry someone. You really are delusional."

"That's how this lifestyle works. Your mother should have thought about that before she fell into bed with Michele." Her voice came out a harsh whisper.The lack of warmth in her voice made me wonder what I'd done to deserve such a fucked up life.

"Speaking of my father, where is he. Maybe he should take responsibility for his actions."

"You know what's at stake if you blow this. Your "father" is dead. My son upstairs has nothing to do with you. He has a wife and two lawful children. You're here because I couldn't have you running around unchecked."

"Wow, you people are sick."

"I think I'm being generous. I'm finding you a good husband and allowing you to live within my protection."

"It's the 21st century, who the hell arranges marriages?"

"People who want power."

"Fuck Power," I shouted my voice echoing through the empty foyer. Victoria rubbed the bridge of her nose before fixing her cold grey eyes on me.

" Look, if you don't want your little friend Marcilie to disappear by the end of the day, I suggest you do what I say because after that I'll make sure Kitties never opens again."

"You're one evil bitch."

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