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The silence in the car was deafening. I rolled down the window if only to break the silence with the sound of the wind. My head felt like it was splitting in half and all I could do was lean against the window focusing on the cool breeze floating through. I stole a glance at Luca. He hadn't looked in my direction once. He drove with his right hand, his arm resting in his lap. The other hand supported his head as he leaned against the door, his eyes on the road, but it was obvious his mind was elsewhere. I knew the drive up the Amalfi Coast would bring us to his estate. He had a total of 10 mansions all over Italy and 10 more properties in other locations he frequented. However, he never used them. Instead, he kept checking into hotels, a new one every night.

Emma and Victoria both had no idea how invested I'd been in my saviour.

"Are you going to keep staring Principessa? " he said finally looking over at me.

"Why do you use hotels instead of your houses, and why switch every night."

"Victoria is as nosy as ever. Is this what you've been thinking about while staring a hole in the side of my face."

"Yes." I wouldn't tell him I'd gathered the intel on my own.

"Staying in one spot gives people the opportunity to watch you, seek you out, find you."

"I was hoping for an emotional story, but I suppose that would require you to actually have emotions."

"Well you're pissing me off, that's got to count for something." he said and I rolled my eyes. He turned on a side road finally, a gate swinging open.

"I don't see how you bringing me to your place is a punishment." He swung his car door open coming around to mines, opening it. He didn't bother to grab my hand or slow his pace as he passed through the front door. Nonetheless, I followed him.

"Wine or whiskey." he called from ahead.

"Whiskey." I said finding he'd led me to the kitchen. He pulled down two glasses from the cabinet behind him sliding one across the table to me. His eyes flickered up to me and with a nod of his head, he gestured for me to follow him. From white marble of the kitchen floor, I stepped onto the cherry hardwood floors of a wide hallway lined with art, whose purpose seemed to be complimenting the mocha colored walls. There were a few doors that also lined the hallway, however Luca lead me to the last ones, two large wooden double doors. He pulled it open allowing me in first to what was obviously his office. It wasn't a small space, a pool table sitting in the middle of the room, a complete living room set to my left and his desk to my right.

"Would you mind?" I said picking up a pool stick.

He stepped past me grabbing his own, my reply, a challenge in his eyes.

"I hope you don't expect me to let you win."he said.

"I hope you don't expect me to have such a fragile ego. Three rounds, every time you lose, take off a piece of clothing and take a shot."

"Are you sure? You're not wearing much."

"Are you scared Luca?" I taunted him. His eyes flashed from underneath his lashes.

"I've warned you."


It didn't exactly look good that I'd lost the first round and hence my dress. The grin on Luca's face was infuriating and even when he lost his shirt in the second round it didn't fade. There was absolutely no way I would let him take this last round. Drunk me never made the best decisions and this was one of those decision. For one, I hadn't expected him to accept, but tonight I had learned more than a few things about Luca Luciano. He liked games, he liked to win, he liked control, and he reveled in being able to control people. Even now with the odds clearly not in his favor, two balls from losing his pants, the amusement in his golden eyes were as clear as day.

Once it was clear I was the winner, I figured he'd give some indication of disappointment, the slightest reaction to give me some satisfaction, but he didn't. Instead as I knocked the last two balls in, he laughed. A rich, deep laugh that sent butterflies fluttering.
"Pants." I said my voice coming out as a rasp. I watched him unabashedly as he unbuttoned his pants, pulling them over Italy's ass. Fucking briefs. Leaning over the pool table, I let my eyes travel up his toned abdomen, tracing the line's of his broad shoulders to arms anyone could tell he worked for. A fucking Adonis. I pulled my lip between my teeth as he walked over to me a pure predatory gaze in his eyes.
"Stop that." He said his voice sending another wave of butterflies through me. It felt like the temperature had gone to hell.

"Stop what?" I feigned ignorance looking back at him as I bit down on my lip again. I wasn't even sure I could blame the alcohol for making me so bothered. One look from him every time would send my legs melting out from under me. Just as they would have done had his arm not come around my waist, as he pulled me back against him, his mouth at my ear, the involuntarily gasp that escaped me cutting through the silence.

"You're tempting me Bella."

"I had no idea." I said breathlessly at the feel of his skin, hot under mine. God I hoped this went how I wanted it to. I decided it would when he spun me as quickly as he'd grabbed me lifting me on to the tables edge. An inch and I could pull his lips between mine. I could think of nothing else as his amber eyes crushed into mine. Any inhibition went out the window as I reminded myself if not him it'd be my 5 week fuck streak with Aaron from the club. And holy shit cakes Luca was a better option.

"Last chance." He spoke low a centimeter away. I draped my arms around his neck.

"I don't need it." I breathed taking his lip between mine. His eyes darkened again as he swept me of the table and all I could hear was Victoria warning me to steer clear.

Mafia's PrincipessaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora