Given Fruit

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"You look much better than the last time I saw you." Dante said looking me over.

"Well the last time you saw me, I had just got my ass beat." I responded without taking my eyes of Angel boy, Luca. He hadn't changed much and I still can't tell what he's thinking. His face still held not one hint of emotion, his eyes calculating , vengeful. His chocolate brown curls still neatly arranged from his face, I still wanted to run my fingers through them.

"Well, I suppose you already know each other."Emma said pointedly looking in my direction.

"We're aquatinted." I rasped my mouth dry. Again without a word Luca held out his hand, and with not even a glance in Emma's direction, I took it letting him pull me away. He pulled me out from the basement, into the fancy area, and again I felt naked. After all that dancing my hair was all over the place. He wordlessly pulled me across the foyer ignoring the stares of everyone. When he finally stopped we were in what I assumed was a private room.

"What are you doing here Principessa?" He said sitting across from me and pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. I hated the smell of cigarettes.

"Don't light that." I said and he looked up at me with a tilt of his head. He did it anyway.

"Don't take it personally, but I don't take orders from people."

"Right. Your position requires you to be an ass."

"If I was an ass I would have let you die in that alley. Or rot in prison. Or punish you for being disrespectful."

"You're still an ass." I said even though he was more or less right.

"And you're a stubborn ass."

"Why am I here?" I said impatiently.

"I asked you the same question." he said, his words accompanied by a puff of smoke.

"You know what I mean."

"If it's this room, then your here simply because I want you to be. Although I'm quite curious as to how you got Victoria to allow you out like this." He said eyeing my bare legs.

"It's none of her concern. She's an ass just like you." I said and he stood up quickly enough to make me flinch.

"Punishment it is Principessa." He said coming around the table. I stood up and backed myself to the door.  I'd be damned if I sat around to see what that meant. However, Luca Luciano had no intention of letting me leave. His long fingers enveloped mine as he spun me around to face him.

"So help me God if you lay a hand on me." I spat at him the impatience in his eyes growing thinner every moment.

"I think we've already passed that point." He said holding up our hands.

"Dammit you know that's not what I meant."

"I don't abuse women Bella." He said and I could have sworn his eyes softened and then the look was gone. I couldn't get a damn word to the tip of my tongue, the only thing I could think about was that he knew my name, that he'd said my name.

"Let's go." He said pulling open the door.

"Let's go where?" he didn't respond and I was getting more and more pissed. His car was at the curb before we cleared the door. The valet brought him the keys and Luca opened the door for me jerking his head to indicate I should get in. Of course, I held my ground.

"Get in." He said and from the look in his eye, I knew I had worn his patience thin and a small part of me wanted to just get in the car.

"I'll be damned before I get in this car and you won't even tell me where we're going."

"Bella get in the fucking car before you lose the right to be conscious during this car ride." I blinked. He didn't. He was serious and as much as it killed me I slid in the passenger seat. He shook his head sighing as he shut the door.

"Fuck You."

"You're under the influence." He reached over grabbing my chin and turning my face to his, his own breath smelling of Hennessy. " You should watch that pretty mouth of yours, you use it to say such filthy things." He said his eyes on my lips. Before I could respond he returned to his impassive state and shut his door. This was going to be another long ass night.

Mafia's PrincipessaWhere stories live. Discover now