"So, what did you want to talk about stranger?" I asked mockingly. He chuckled as he took one of his hands, grabbing ahold of my waist, the other reaching to stroke my face with his thumb as he gave me a loving kiss. I smiled into the kiss as I stroke his arm lovingly. 

"You're going to La Push?" he asked. I chuckle as I pulled away from him, leaning on the lockers as I nodded.

"Yea, I'm going surfing," I said as I crossed my arms with a smile. 

"Darling, you don't think that maybe that's not the best idea?" he asked as he sat down the duffle bag. 

"I thought so too, but Adrea said that they wouldn't dare attack me with humans around. Makes sense, and I'm a little curious. I've only met two Quileute's, one who was a child like me, but he wasn't aware of his... abilities. The other was his father, but he didn't know about me since Lydia put a spell on me when I'd come to Forks," I told him with a shrug. 

Unfortunately, I could still feel the worry within him, making me reach up, clutching my chest a bit before I reached up and touched his cheek. 

"I'll be careful, don't worry Jas," I said giving him a reassuring smile. He smiled, placing his hand on top of mine as he leaned into my touch, another smile gracing my lips as I stared at the beautiful man in front of me. 

"How can I not worry?" he said softly. He turned his head, kissing my hand softly.

"Oh baby," I said quietly, as I laughed a bit before I brought him into a hug. 

"You know I would invite you, but I don't think you're exactly allowed over there," I said, hearing him chuckle. 

He pulled away, dipping a bit to give me a loving kiss on the forehead. 

"Please, be careful," he told me. I still felt his worry, but I nodded, as he pressed his head to mine.



I stand in a cold beach bathroom changing into my wet suit, adjusting my hair, regretting coming to the beach already because I now knew I'd have to take my braids out tonight due to the sand. I take a breath before I exit the bathroom, flipping my hair as I did so, taking hold of my board as I walked to where Bella was.

Bella with her friends, surrounded by 2 soon to be wolves, and one Alpha.

I growled a bit under my breath before I made my way to them. 

"Woah, you're really surfing Audre? Is there anything you can't do?" Bella asked with a laugh. This made the 3 that she was standing with, turn to look at me, the Alpha stiffening a bit at the sight of me, no doubt catching my scent.

"I can't fish if I'm being honest," I said with a shrug. 

Well with a rod anyway. 

"Audre?" one of the boys said. I quirked my eyebrow.

'Bitch that's Jacob Black, stupid' Adrea chimed.

'Can you shut the fuck up and stop being so mean to me, you just being mean to your fucking self' I said annoyed as she laughed.

Still, my eyes light up a bit at the sight of him. He, Bella, and I would play all day when we were all here. He'd grown quite a bit, pretty muscly, but not a lot, and I could even sense that his shift was nearby. 

'He has Alpha blood in him, I can feel it' Adrea said again

"Jacob?" I asked. 

He laughed as he rushed forward scooping me up and hugging me. I laughed hugging him back. It was good to see him. He used to be so protective of Bella and me, I even remember him having a little crush on her, one that clearly hadn't gone away. He let me down with a large smile.

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