Make up Sex

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They ended up snuggling for about an hour before Shinso decided he was going to Kaminari's place.

"Hey Shota my head hurts..." Hizashi said with his eyes closed, resting his head on Shota. "Do you want some tylenol?" Shota offered as he lightly picked up Hizashi's head and put his hand on his cheek, lightly rubbing his check with his thumb. "No, can we lay down. I think the pressure and the anxiety got to me." Hizashi said quietly. "Most likely that, I'll carry you to bed." Shota said lifting the light weighted blonde. "I forget how small you are, you are so light yet lanky." Shota said with Hizashi's head resting on his chest, carrying him bridal style. "Mhm." Hizashi mumbled falling alseep already.

They made it to the bedroom and Shota sat Hizashi down on the bed and tucked him into the blanket keeping him warm. "Where is blankie?" Hizashi said opening his eyes a bit. "I'll grab it from the living room, do you want anything?" Shota asked turning a bit sideways. "Heh, your back cracked when you did that." Hizashi said changing the subject unknowingly. "Yes I know I'm old, but do you want anything?" Shota asked now feeling the slight pain in his lower back. "A small coffee would be nice." Hizashi said rolling over a bit. "Alright, I'll be back." Shota said fixing his pant leg. "Snap crackle pop." Hizashi said hearing Shota's back crack again when he stood up again. "Sheesh I'm not that old." Shota said leaving to get blankie and a small coffee.

He went into the kitchen and picked up Buttercups and put her on his shoulder and started to make his coffee. "Two cream three sugars..." that is already soo gross. Shota said while picking up the cup. "Now the blanket..." he walked into the living room and turned off the TV and grabbed a blanket.

"AHH FUCK!" He yelled stepping on the blanket and falling on the floor. "Are you ok?!" Hizashi yelled getting off the bed.  "I'm fine, just tripped." He said looking at his arm seeing it was bleeding. Shota took off his shirt that was now soaked with hot coffee and threw it in the nearby hamper. He picked up the coffee cup and set it down on the tabel watching the cat jump off him before he fell so she didn't get hurt.

Hizashi ran over to Shota and grabbed his arm seeing if there was any injuries. "Shota, I'll grab the first aid kit!" Hizashi said running to grab it.

Hizashi came back to Shota wiping up coffee from the living room floor and a bit off the TV also. "Babe lemme see your arm." Hizashi said crouching down to his level. "I said its fine Hizashi-" Hizashi grabbed his arm and saw the huge cut that was just opened and all the ones that ran up the pale part of his arm. "Sho...." He said seeing Shota looking away hiding his face. "I thought this stopped?" Hizashi said opening the bandage container. "It did Hizashi, those are older scars. The newest one was from a few months back." He said looking Hizashi dead in the eyes with no emotion. "I am cleaning this and will talk more about this later." Hizashi said grabbing the peroxide. Shota was quiet until the peroxide hit the open wound then he flinched and went to pull away but was caught in Hizashi's grip. "I am cleaning this you stubborn ass." Hizashi said seeing him struggle to pull away. "Ugh, fine." He said finaly letting him put the bandage on. "Let's go into our room and forget the coffee." Hizashi said picking up Shota for the first time. "AaH, NO CARRYING ME!" Shota said loudly kicking Hizashi. "Did you think I couldn't carry you?" Hizashi said with a grin spreading across his face. "PUT ME THE HELL DOWN!" he said crying/yelling. "Oh?!" Hizashi said dropping him. "I DO NOT AGREE WITH BEING CARRIED, I WAS THROWN OFF A BUILDING THE LAST TIME I WAS CARRIED!" He yelled grabbing his scarf and boots. "I'm sorry!" Hizashi yelled hearing the door slam shut on him. "I started a whole nother thing haven't I..."

Shota stormed put of the house into the early winter night hearing the snow crunch under his weight. "Calm down you over dramatic asshole, he didn't hurt you." Shota said mumbling to himself as he walked through the park. Mad at his decisions. "I'll have to text him."

🖤😻Shota babe😻🖤
Hey, I'll be back at the house in a bit. Sorry about the exit.

Be back before it snows please, I'm sorry for picking you up and pushing boundaries.

🖤😻Shota babe😻🖤
Yeah it's fine, I'm walking around town. I'll be back.

Alright then, I love you babe.

🖤😻Shota babe😻🖤
I love you to....

Hizashi was putting away the cup and stuff once he read the message

He needs time to cool down, it's normal for him to go for walks around town whenever he is upset. He just never left so abruptly.

My headache faded away after I put my glasses back on. I decided to make the bed so we can snuggle later on tonight.
    Nezu canceled classes for about a month so when we go back it will be in the middle of January.  I made a pot of coffee and made myself a cup before laying on the couch waiting for my Sho to come back.

It was lightly snowing when Shota started heading back to there place. "I shouldn't have left like that, I was being overdramatic and insensitive." Shota though to himself as he was walking back.  "Its already eight thirty so that place is closed, might as well hurry back."

Hizashi fell asleep on the couch waiting for Sho untill he heard the door open and close. "I'm home baby." Shota said shivering a bit.

"Your freezing!" Hizashi said getting up and kissing Shota. "Y-yeah, its c-cold." He said huddling with him on the floor. "Want to take a bath together?" Hizashi said taking off Sho"s scarf. "Mhm."


Shota walked into the bathroom turning on the water. He started to strip out of his clothes when Hizashi walked in with candles and a bath bomb. "Candle bath?" He offered seeing Shota untie his bun. "Yeah, it can be a romantic bath~" Shota said teasing Hizashi. "That's the plan~" Hizashi said stripping his clothes off.

Shota slid his hands up Hizashi's shirt and let his hands wrap around his back and then fall around Hizashi's hips. Hizashi quivered feeling Shota's hands slide down his back. "You act like a bottom till you grind on me." Shota said squeezing Hizashi's ass hearing a moan come from him in responce. "Mhm~" Hizashi said wrapping his arms around Shota's neck. He tossed a bath bomb into the bathtub hearing it fizzle it's way back up.

"Let me light the candles before you start doing anything else Sho~" Hizashi said being the tease he is.
"Aww but I was just getting started." Shota said pushing Hizashi against the shower wall feet submerged into the water.

Hizashi set the candle down before sliding down the shower wall. They had a rather huge sized shower and bathtub so laying down in it wasn't hard. Shota pressed Hizashi's hands up on the wall holding him down. "I forgot you could be submissive Zashi~" Shota teased as he started biting Hizashi's neck and leaving bruises on Hizashi. "AaH!" Hizashi Moaned feeling his teeth sink into his warm skin. "I didn't know you could be a top." Hizashi said letting his head roll back. "I've been trying to show you since we were teenagers but noo~" Shota teased as he slid he way onto the top of Hizashi. "Because you turn submissive once I rub that bulge of yours." Hizashi said feeling Shota's hands slowly crawl his ways up his thighs.

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