Pins and needles

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After a night at the doctor Shota woke up suddenly with a nauseous feeling and looked around to find Toshinori sleeping sideways in a chair and Hizashi on the bed with him, He looked around to see a table full of different pain killers and bandages and an IV hocked into his left arm. Looking around he saw it was around midnight when he heard a huge smash coming through the room door seeing his usually drunk father furious at his actions and as soon as that door was down Toshinori was up and had him in an choke hold yelling to the doctors. Hizashi got up and pressed the button to call the doctors and they finally came but had to call the police to remove him from the building with a fight. While he was fighting Shota's father was calling him a tranny and a lazy piece of shit for not being able to handle a fever, after an hour battle with him he was removed from the premises. The doctors made sure he ate but still ended up throwing it all back up and they ended up feeding him applesauce though a straw. Toshinori had to leave for a meeting. Shota was released with three bottles of meds, one help his fever, one to help his queasiness, the last one was to make sure he stayed hydrated.
    They sent a cop too making sure his father couldn't get in Hizashi's place and was told to not leave the house. Once they got home Hizashi called his parents and explained the situation and his mother immediately agreed and told him that he can stay as long as he wants and they would change his name to Shota as soon as they got home. Shota was laying on the couch cuddling the cat watching Hizashi play Rock Band on his Wii when he finally regained his normal personality, "Hey Hizashi?" Shota asked. "Yeah Sho" he asked turning his head a bit to look at his friend yet keep his high score, "do....can we order...a uh..proper binder?" He asked looking away from his loud blonde friend. "Of course Sho, what are you using to bind right now?" He asked pausing the game to be respectful. " right now I'm using Ace bandages but if using it in a safe way I promise." he said trying to reassure him. "Well we are going have to measure your bust, if you are uncomfortable with me doing it you can ask my mum to do it, she is a work away nurse so she can find you a proper one." He said putting Shota's hair in a messy bun. "I used to have a sister you know, I used to help her pick out Bra's and stuff when my parents were away so I've seen more breast then you think Sho-chan." He said sitting back down on the couch. "I will think about it Hizashi, I didn't know you had a sister." He said lifting himself up with a slight pain in his stomach. "Yeah...she went on a trip with my parents and ended up getting shot in the head while my parents were tied up watching." Hizashi said petting his cat not trying to make eye contact. "Oh...I'm sorry for your loss, I know what's it like losing a love one Hizashi." Shota said pulling up the blanket onto his lap.
     They talked about there parents and there issues for hours untill it was 9:30 and Hizashi tried making egg roles and burned his hand so Shota showed him how to make them but couldn't eat them sadly. Hizashi got Sho a fruit squeeze and laid down watching some youtuber "Jack septic something" and immediately fell asleep in Shota's lap. Shota couldn't sleep at all, everytime he fell asleep he would be jumped awake hyperventilating and having to calm himself down and have to deal with an upset stomach for a while. He ended up not sleeping that night but ended up cuddling with Hizashi and turning bright red, feeling Hizashi cuddle closer.
   That morning he was suprized to see Mr and Mrs. Yamada coming throught he door quietly
And waving at Shota as they took there snow covered jackets and hung them up. He quietly got up and grabbed onto the counter by the couch and stumbled his way over to greet them, "Are you Shota Aziawa?" Mrs.Yamada whispered. "Yes ma'am, I'm sorry for being an inconvenience to your household." He whispered shuffling his way closer clutching his side. "Oh, your no bother to us. Hizashi has needed someone to talk to and have as a friend and we know he has been depressed being here alone." She whispered while fixing her hair at the kitchen bar. "Our son means the world to us and we can't be there for him since our jobs are everywhere and I know losing his sister destroyed him." Mr.Yamada whispered pulling out a chair for his wife and grabbing a stool for Shota. " thank you sir, Hizashi has helped me through several dark patches of my life since I was eight years old, he has helped me stop cutting and has just helped me through everything." He said attempting to get on the chair. "I'm glad our son is able to help you, you said you used to cut yourself?" Mrs.Yamada asked him while pulling him onto the chair. "Don't push the poor kid hun." Mr.Yamada said giving her a raised eyebrow and washing a coffee cup. "I won't baby, just asking if he feels comfortable answering he can if not it's alright with it." She said getting off the stool making a pot of coffee. "I haven't told Hizashi anything about why I've cut or the scars my father has created but I don't want to talk about it right now ma'am, I would like to get off this stool now please." Shota said not making eye contact with them. "Oh please call me Hisama, here I'll help you down." She said grabbing his waist and an arm helping him down. "Thank you Hisama, do you have any melatonin I could take. I have insomnia because of past trama keeps me awake." He said pushing his way onto the side of the bar next to Mr.Yamada. "oh yes Sho, here dear." She handed him a pill and he swallowed the it and started to shuffle his way back to the couch when she felt his forehead on his way by. "Oh dear your still quite warm Shota, you should lay down hun." Hisama said walking him to the couch. "I've had this stupid fever for about four days and five nights, we have been to the doctors and I have three different meds for it, I'm going to try to sleep now hisama." Shota said climbing back onto the couch. " Alright dear, I'm going to check your meds to see if they might effect you Sho."

I'm so sorry this story has no drama or anything, I have a lot of plans for this story. To fill in any gaps on this story, both Hizashi and Shota are seventeen and they both have feelings for each other that are unspoken. Aziwa has been suicidal since he was 10 years old and has had to witness his mothers death and doesn't open up at all but feels safe talking to Hisama and Mr Yamada for some reason.

    Sorry if there was any confusion, please comment if I should change some parts or if something doesn't make since.

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