Shower talk.

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That photo was just cute, art not mine obviously.

    Shinso has been in class 1A for a few months now and has been working well with his quirk and making two support items. He made his grey scarf and his mask that controls his voice.

He will live at Shota's place untill he is 18.
   He has seen Sho go through his worst days of depression and his good days. It has worsened after the USJ attack and remembering he was weak then has made his whole perspective change on him.
   His cat Ducky died a while ago and he will forget for a second and make the pssp pssp sound and remember he is gone and sit down remembering the gruesome way he had to watch him die. He has had horrible panic attacks and his anxiety keeps acting up whenever it feels like it.

Hizashi and I have found razors and have disposed of them properly and he crys saying he is sorry for doing it and we both know that feeling well enough, that feeling you can't escape the pain.
     He has woken up from horrible night terrors scaring him so bad he is thrashing in his sleep.
Hizashi brought him to a specialist and they just tried giving him meds and he refused. I feel bad for my cousin knowing what pain he has been through because of what he has explained to me and much more he doesn't dare to tell anyone, not even Hizashi. Knowing what it feels like to be hit and smacked and abuse in general feels like, I can't imagine what he has felt.

"Shota it's going to be alright I promise, remember our first date at the cafè?" Hizashi asked trying to calm him. "Y-yeah, I brouht you there while I-it was snowing." He said wiping tears from his eyes. "Yeah and you showed me how to make your coffee and what your favorite coffee cup is." Hizashi said succeeding at calming him down. "The cup you gave me, I-it has a kitty with a-a bird on its head." Shota said through his hiccups. "Yeah, I also found out you like it when I play with your hair when you lay down." Hizashi said slowly putting his hands into his thick black hair. "Y-yeah....thank you for helping me Zashi." Shota said after he stopped his hiccups. "Anything for you babe." Hizashi said petting Shota back to sleep. He called Nexu and asked if they could have a day off for mental health reasons and Nezu agreed to it knowing what they both have been through and what's been going on.

Shota woke up at eight o'clock and was wondering why he wasn't at school, "Zashi?!" Shota asked a bit scared. "Yes babe?  Hizashi answered bringing in coffee and some eggs and toast with some sausage. "Why are we not at work?" Shota asked confused. "We are taking the day off to relax and be ourselves." Hizashi said sitting down on the bed fixing how Sho sat so he could eat. "Oh...alright." he said hesitantly picking up the fork.
     He ate the breakfast Hizashi made and Hizashi took the plate to the kitchen and went back to there room seeing Shota grabbing an outfit for the day. "Taking a shower sho?" Hizashi asked smiling at his shorter boyfriend struggling to get his shirt unhooked from the hanger. "Yes, I feel disgusting." Shota said about ready to jump up and drag down the metal rod holding his clothes. "Don't you dare even think of climbing our shelf Shota!" Hizashi said grabbing the shirt before Shota threw the shelf. "How did you know I was thinking of chucking the damn thing?" He said stumbling as he took off his shirt. "You looked like you were about to blow up the whole house with just a glare so I grabbed it." Hizashi said following him. "True...." Shota said turning on the shower. "Are you going to stand there and watch me undress or undress yourself to?" Shota said confused why he followed. "I figured why not I like washing your hair, you like it when I play with it so why not?" He said ruffling his hair. "Alright but I'm washing that blonde mess before anything else." Shota said everytime they showered together.

     Shota opened the curtain and let the steam flow out of the shower and he stepped in letting the hot water pour over him. He felt Hizashi put his cold hands on his back. "Ahh!" He said inhaling deeply while he threw himself forward. "Why did you do that?" He said turning around to see a grinning Hizashi about ready to burst out laughing. "The reaction I would get out of it." He said waiting to be slapped jokingly. "You are a man child and you know it Hizashi." Shota said putting some shampoo in his palm before massaging it into Hizashi's thick hair. "Your hair has gotten much fuller and healthier since we started dating Zashi babe." Shota said seeing his boyfriend roll his eyes back remembering how nice it felt to have somone else wash his hair. "Y-yeah it has, too bad your hair doesn't grow any longer Sho." Hizashi said opening an eye seing his boyfriend struggling to get the top of his head. "I'll crouch down a bit Sho." He said giggling. "How are you still taller then me, I used to be taller and now I'm an inch shorter?" Shota asked as he saw Hizashi bend down to make Shota's life easier. "I have better posture then you, so I'm naturally taller then when you slouch. Your body got used to that figure so you shrunk to fit that figure." Hizashi said showing that he isn't as dumb as everyone thinks he is. "Yeah, you also make yourself look taller with your hair." Shota said rinsing out the shampoo and adding leave in conditioner  "yeah, it looks so cool though!" Hizashi said proud that he uses at least two bottles of Got2Bglued every morning. "Don't rinse this out babe, it'll help with the frizz a bit." Shota said helping him up. "I won't, what one of these do I use in your hair again?" He asked picking up a random bottle. "Not that one, this blueish one." He said pressing the lever button down to open it. "Oh ok!" Hizashi said as he put some in Shota's black curly mess. "I have some stuff planned for today and it requires some traveling." Hizashi said pushing his long hands through his hair. "Alright." Shota said rinsing shampoo out of his eyes. "You need to learn how to not get that shit in my eyes, it's been like 12 years babe." He said sarcastically. "I'm sorry." Hizashi said pouting like the brat he is.
     They both finished there shower and talking and got dressed. Shota took a little longer getting dressed because he had to brush his hair and put it up in a bun. The two of them eventually left the apartment and got onto the bus giving the driver there hero passes and going to there seats in the front away from everyone. They headed on there way to the destination before being bombarded with fans.

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