The Person Who Knows

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Picture is of Brenton Thwaites who plays Rice Jenkins. Enjoy!

I watched the blood flow from his head and I panicked.

Oh my gosh! I think I killed my best friends boyfriend!

There was a large gash above his temple that was cut open, revealing his purplish colored insides. I shuddered at the sight. His hardwood floors were now stained deep red and shard of glass covered the ground.

I had no idea what to do or how to fix him. Obviously, he needed a doctor but I was no nurse.

Ally. Find Ally. The little voice inside my head whispered to me.

So off I went to find her.


I scratched at the door hoping that Charlie would see me. The glass felt strange beneath my claws and I tried not to think that this was the same type of glass that may have killed somebody.

May have killed. Maybe he's just half dead, that's possible, right?

Oh my gosh! I was going delusional from panic. Was that even possible? Eh, a lot of impossible things have been made possible from my craziness. What can I say? I'm unique. Haha, get it?

Focus, Rachel! Gosh, I'd be a horrible paramedic. We'd probably be going to the worlds worst accident and I'd see a Mc Donald's and be like "hmmm, that sight looks more neon-y than all the other mc Donald's sighs. Ooh, now that I'm thinking about a restaurant I'm hungry. We should go and get a Big Mac. But no lettuce. I hate lettuce. And tomatoes, yuk! Yeah, just hold all the toppings. We can stop at superstore and get some fresh ones. Just grill up the patty and we'll be good to go.

See how delusional all I am?

I pulled my paws off the door and let out a loud Meowr! I guess this "foreign" cat sound got Charlie's attention. His head shot up and he looked me straight in the eye.

"Cat!" He yelled. "Fugly cat!"

Woah, now. I have feelings too, y'know. Just cause I'm missing some body parts and may have had one to many days without exercise doesn't mean I'm fugly.

Oh wait, maybe it does.

Anyways, his shriek finally got Nikki's attention, too. She pranced over to the door.

"Nikki!" I meowed as fast as I could. "Trouble. Rice is hurt. He's bleeding bad. It's ugly."

I don't know how much of that she understood since I was talking so fast, but she seemed to get the picture. Her face turned to disgust and she ran over to Charlie, barking her head off.

He stared at her as if she was rabid or something.

"Do something!" I hissed.

She jumped up a little and grabbed his snow white sleeve leaving big slobber marks. Pulling him towards the door, she cornered him against it and growled.

Charlie spun it open and ushered Nikki through like he was a chauffeur.

I ran behind him and swiped at his legs, my claws sinking into his skin. He jumped ahead and out into the hallway, the door making a triumphant thud behind him.

"The animals have gone crazy!" He shouted, "Pierre never should have fed Miss Nikki tuna salad."

I shuddered. I hated tuna, and veggies. Combine the two and give them to an animal. Yeah, we'd probably act like this.

I ran in front of Nikki.

"Stay behind him and make sure he doesn't run back." I seethed going by.

Up the hallway, to the right, down the corridor, up the flight of stairs, through the door, down to the suite.

I think Charlie was getting dizzy.

Ally continued to growl the whole time, her eyes never leaving Charlie's but.

Dang girl, I wanted to yell. You are one intimidating chick.

With her teeth, she could probably rip his whole but off if she really wanted to.

We were soon turning right, passing a dining room, going down the hallway, running up more stairs, weaving to the left, then the right, through a door, into the suite, into his room, standing by his body.

Nikki ran over and whimpered.

"What did you do!" She growled, showing her teeth.

Yup. She could so rip someone's but off. It was rather fierce looking.

"Um, I knocked a paperweight-"

"Master Rice! Oh my sweet Prince Of Peace. Whatever hath happened?"

Why was he talking like Shakespeare?

I watched Charlie kneel down and say a silent prayer over Rice's body. As much as I was ok with praying, I don't think this is time we should we should be wasting.

"Ally!" Our heads snapped up. And by our, I mean Ally's head, well Nikki's, and mine. "yes," Charlie seethed. "I know you're not really animals. Hello, Ally. And greetings to you, Rachel."

I stared at him, dumbfounded.

What the heck was happening?

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