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I turned down the lumpy lane and hurried onto the gravel road. The rain had lightened a little bit, but the wind was still howling and the sun was slowly starting to slip behind the fluffy clouds that delivered the steady water droplets.

I turned towards the east and began my slow journey once again. I really wanted to turn back and force that cat to come with me, but he made his choice. Was it a dumb one? Yes. But what could I do? Pick his infested body up and drag him with me? Yeah, I suppose so. But I continued walking further down the lane and away from the house, the staircase, the bottom step, and the cat.

Dang, I don't even know his name.

I fought my urge to go back and just ask him what he was called, but I decided against it. Instead, I traveled another kilometre down the road and started towards Walmart.

Wow, that's actually a really weird place for the Mafia to have their hideout. Y'know, normally its an abandoned quarry or the back ally's of Mexico or something like that. Not Walmart. But I guess that gives them the element of surprise and unexpecting-ness. Is that even a word? Eh, what does it matter? Most of my vocabulary is made up. Just like shmag. But that word could actually become a legit one someday. I mean, who ever thought selfie would make it in the dictionary? Like seriously, even spellcheck on Microsoft Word on Windows 7 doesn't find it wrong. Selfie for Petes sake! Selfie! What has this world come to?

Oh, and do you know that there's a such thing as a usie? Yup, it's a selfie with more than one person, hence the 'us.' Then they just added the 'ie' and made it a word. Bah! This generation is so messed up. But then again, I am part of the younger generation so I can't really be talking. But I am messed up, so I guess it does apply to me. See? We're crazy.

I had covered another two kilometres when I started getting side stitches. I guess that's what happens when you don't stretch.

I let my mind wander and I was able to block out the chilling drops of rain and instead I thought about what I was going to write in my book next. I had actually spent a lot of time working on it and I was now a master at keyboard controls. Like who knew double space added a period? Or maybe you did know that and I'm just behind in this technology. Probably the second one.

I think I had completed about thirty chapters now and I was quite impressed with the progress of it. So, as continued to plod down this road, I became so obsessed with my thoughts that I hadn't even realized that a gravel crunching vehicle had pulled up beside me. I jumped at the sound of squeaky breaks and I was spinning around when a firm hand grabbed me by the scruff of my neck. It pulled at the skin and pinched nerves that stopped me from wiggling. The next think I knew, I was thrown into the back of the vehicle and I hadn't even seen what it was.

The Day I Turned Into a Cat (Completed)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara