Back To Mexico

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Picture is of Richard McTang played by Ben Affleck.

The silent tinkle of bells woke me up from my sleep. I stretched
out and stared at the ceiling. So much had happened in the last three days that I could barely comprehend it. My normal, fun self was replaced with a miserable and tired Dexter. After hearing the wedding announcement, I had fled up to my room with Ally on my heels. I broke down, and although I can't really cry, my emotions showed how miserable I was. Half an hour later of confusing communication between me and ally, my phone rang.

My mom had texted me saying that they were getting married and that this may seem like a shock and stuff, but she's been keeping the relationship a secret for my own good. She hadnt wanted me to get mad or connected to a boyfriend as a fatherly figure when he could only be temporary.

But the thing that upset me the most was that Ally knew before I did. She saw them at a fancy restaurant a few months ago when she and Rice we're celebrating their two year anniversary. Apparently, they were getting overly cosy, but she didn't think much of it.

Ha. Yeah, you see your best friends mom thats been single since a divorce and you just fail mention the fact that she was on a date with someone? And a very rich someone? I wanted to straighten her out when it came to telling me important stuff, but I didn't want a fight.

Anyways, back to day three of moping.

I've spent my hours writing my book and thinking of perfect scenarios of how my life could have gone. I was daydreaming about me and Kyle when I was disturbed from my peaceful thoughts.

A bark made me jump off of my bed and I stalked over to the window, ready to kill somebody.

There, sitting peacefully on my front lawn was none other than Nikki her self. Well, Ally. She saw me and I started to walk away, my atrocious mood not wanting to talk to her.

A loud yapping made me turn back, though.

"Leave me alone, Ally." I hissed through the window pane.

"No. We need to tip so come out now. Talk. We need to talk." She snarled.

Knowing that I sucked at arguments and debate, I crawled off of my bed and crept through the backdoor cat flap where I approached a waiting Ally.

"Listen," she spoke slowly as if every word was hard for her to form. I had a feeling it was though. Her talking hadn't gotten much better and she seemed nervous about what she was about to say. "I know this is a lot for you to take in, but you need to understand this is effecting me, too. Your mom's been like a second mom to me and I love her dearly, just like I love you. She paused and licked her chops a couple of times before slowly continuing.

"But right now our biggest problem is not the wedding but US! We need to get US back to normal. This is way to freaky for my liking and if I have one more person take my temperature through my but, I'm gonna flip out."

I snickered at that. Poor Ally. Rice thought she was sick since she ran off. She's been getting the special sick treatment: needles, thermometers, and chicken soup doggy chow. Not my idea of a fun time, if you ask me.

"We're still on phase three of our plan and so far, it's pretty good. Three days ago when we were coming back, Rice had a breakdown on the taxi ride here. He really believed the Alisha bit. It was almost funny to see him cry.


Anyhow, that got sorted out within minutes of his arrival. That was when I ran off. Once I saw everything was good, I went on the walk and came here. It was good idea I did that cause now his mom thinks I'll run away in Mexico. But there's still a chance he'll go back-without me if he has to. There's still four days left so we have to be cautious. He hates to miss out on a good party and I'd hate for our plan to go haywire. But you need to snap out of this phase because it's stupid. You can't fix it so just live in the moment. Who knows, maybe you'll end up liking him. He seems friendly enough. But for now, just focus on that. I don't need your mood swings and we need to do this plan together. Ok?"

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