The Answer is YES!

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The guy was famous.

I had seen him a million times.

Well, duh. Everyone had seen him.

He was the good-looking, millionaire, business man that ran a huge company.

His company, you ask?

Yes, let me advance on that.

To start off I'm gonna say a little bit about his popularity. Now, most company presidents don't splurge in making themselves more known in the civilian world since they're already so popular. But This guy was different. He was on the commercials, the reports in he paper, the buzz about him in the community was non-stop, and the mansion on the outskirts of town loomed above everyone else's house: even Rice's. Yeah, everyone in a 300 kilometer radius knew his face.

And here he was, standing in my own kitchen.

Richard McTang. Founder and president of "Newbliss" himself. Newbliss was a drug company. Not the weed and marijuana kind but a Advil and Tylenol type.

Not really those drugs, but remakes of them. He made drugs for cheaper and "less fortunate" people. He sold them in mass quantities for an "economically priced" sale. He became a millionaire in a few years within opening his business. Because his drugs were cheaply made, there were side effects which resulted in various lawsuits. But, as the rich person he is, he skimmed over them with top-notch lawyers and went back to his normal life.

And that is Richard McTang, the person my mom has been freaking dating for four years. That was the one thought that interrupted all my other ones. If they got married, we could be Millionaires. If my mom would've had a kid with him and got child support money, we'd be rich!

His jaw was still clenched as he faced us. He looked scared spit-less, a much different personality from his easy going ways in the TV commercials.

"I never knew you had a dog." Was all he finally said. His eyes stayed glued on Nikki and he looked like he was about to crap his pants.

"I don't."

"THEN WHO THE HECKS DOG IS STANDING IN YOUR KITCHEN?" He yelled. Any scared emotion that he had displayed had just transported into rage mode and his outburst caught me off guard.

My mom peered closely at me before glancing at Nikki.

She walked over to her, holding out her hand and letting "Nikki" sniff it. I think Ally was a bit taken back by this, and not wanting to smell my moms hand, she wagged her tail and jumped up on her, nearly making her tumble like a domino.

"Ooph!" She caught herself on the counter and slowly stretched back to her full length. "Nikki? Is that you girl? What are you doing here?" She asked checking her dog tags.

"Are those real diamonds?" I guess Richard finally found the voice to speak after that incident.

"Uh huh. I'm pretty sure this is my daughters, best-friends boyfriends dog."


"Rachel's best friend has a boyfriend who owns this dog. They're extremely rich, just like you." She cooed.

Kill me now.

"Of course. I worked hard for my money and it shows." He held his arm up to flash his expensive wrist watch and cuff links.

Show off.

"I'm sorry."

Wow, they have really heated arguments but get over them really fast. Hmph! I'm not liking this guy very much.

He walked towards my mom and placed his hands on her shoulders. He looked into her eyes and, as sincerely as he could, continued to speak. "I know what I said was wrong and I came here to prove it. I hope we can move past this argument because we come to far into our relationship-

Excuse me! You've come "to far in this relationship" and yet the child wasn't informed? Fat chance, buddy.

"To let a silly argument wreck the best thing that ever happened to me."

Dang. This guy had a smooth way with words.

"You mean so much to me, Liss Robby, and I want to prove that to you."

Woah, now. What the heck is he talking bout? Ain't nobody doing any proving there love around here.

"So, with all my heart, soul, mind, and love I want you, Liss, to stay by my side and love and cherish me forever as I will do the same with you. I want you to be the one I eat meals with and wake up next to in the morning. I want you to be the one that I can buy gifts for and splurge on your favorite chocolates. I want to stay up late and talk, or heck, even watch chick flicks with you since that's how much I love you. Because, Liss, I can't imagine going a day knowing that you aren't mind and so, to prove how bad I want us to stay together and have the best relationship ever..."

I watched him take a step back and slowly kneel down on one leg. He reached in his back pocket and I watched him pull a red velvet box out.

No. Friggin. Way.

"I, Richard McTang would like you, Beth Robby, to be my wife."

By this time, my moms hand was covering her mouth. Her jaw probably would've be been on floor if he hadn't kept her hand there. Tears were streaming down her face and her eyes sparkled as she took a step forward.

"Beth, will you marry me?" He opened the box delicately and I gasped, as well as a cat could gasp. There, sitting on a cushiony pillow of white fluff, was the biggest diamond I had ever saw. It gleamed and showed off status just by standing in the room. It had two bands attached the one middle one connected by crisscrossing lines, each covered with a series of diamonds. On the middle band was the real diamond itself. Standing at least four or five millimeters high, you could see its cross-cut design and the intricacy that was put into perfecting it.


What just happened?

I guess Ally picked up my thoughts because she lunged forward, letting out a ferocious bark as she stalked toward Richard.

"Get that beast away from me!" He grabbed my moms hand and hid her behind his back in a protecting manner.

Ally, I meowed, stop whatever you were about to do and get your skinny dog but back here, NOW!

I hope that made sense because honestly, my words were so jumbled at the excitement, I could barely muster any strength to speak. Ally stopped and spun around before shooting me a death glare.

Hmm. I never knew that was possible for dogs to glare. I just thought they could always pull off I'm-so-innocent-I'd-never-eat-the-thanksgiving-turkey look and get away with it. She trotted back to my side and I sat down, my eyes curious as they took in all the wonder going on.

Realizing they wouldn't be interrupted any more, my mom sprang back in front of Richard.

"Yes, yes, yes, and a million times more!" She was bawling her eyes out and I had no idea how she managed to say all that smoothly

He slipped the ring on her finger and leaned in to kiss her.

"I think Beth McTang has a very nice ring to it."

I gulped.

Rachel Robby, meet the new Rachel McTang.

The Day I Turned Into a Cat (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora