Phase Three

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Ally, well Nikki, was already in my room by the time I heard a car pull up in the drive way. She had begged to go on a walk, holding the leash in her mouth and using the puppy dog look of hers to get Rice's butler, James, to take her to the dog park. Then she ditched poor old James in the middle of the park while she and her diamond collar ran off to my house. It was a good thing she had good stamina because she came here quickly and we needed a long time to talk.

"What do you mean you knew my mom had a boyfriend?" I let out a loud, upset growl that could kill a chicken. Is that even an expressions? Kill a chicken? Eh, I don't know.

"Well, I guess I forgot to tell you."

"What do you mean, forgot? That's a pretty hard thing to just "forget!" I shot back at her.

"I didn't want you to get mad or upset or go all rage mode on your mutt. No, Mom."

"Yeah, cause I wouldn't get all mad at you when you did finally tell me. Keeping it from me would only make me mauler. Madder! gosh, why didn't you just tell me in the first place?"

"Because I knack- knew this is how you would react!" She barked.

"Keep it dig- down. My mom will hear. And speaking of my mom, who's her boyfriend?"

"I don't know, Kay? I just saw her with a guy. That doesn't mean I know him! But he did look recognizable. I feel like I saw him somewhere. Probably the grocery store or something. Don't flip out on me, please. I love you like a sister. You are my bestest friend ever. I would never try to keep secrets from you, but I didn't know how to tell you. I thought you might've known and just didn't want to talk about it. I am so, so, so, so, so," she rattled on saying "so" until she messed up.

"Just continue!" I yelped.

"I'm so sorry and I would never want to keep secrets from you."

I looked at her. Her sincerity was so straight forward that I couldn't stand being mad at her.

I walked up to her and rubbed me head against her chest. "I forgive you, Ally. Now let's save my moms story for later and tell me about your trip.

The first thing she said to me was about the airport. Apparently, dogs and planes don't mix very well. She was so sore from being cooped up in a cage and stuffed at a strange angle during the whole flight that I was surprised she got here. She told me how they carelessly threw her into a little room with a whole bunch of other crates at the back of the plane. The stewardesses didn't dare to straighten then out for lift off and Ally was tipped around. She said that as soon as she turned back to human, she was writing out a long letter of complaint and she was going to tell a Rice to never put Nikki on that airline company again. Well, at least that was what I got out of that conversation. It was hard discussing anything, and especially our plan in two different languages, but it was also kind of fun. We hadn't had bonding time in a while and this was the perfect opportunity.

How she turned into a dog, we both had no idea. She hadn't made a stupid wish, but we were both together before we changed. Basically, this is all we knew.


It was the day before the last day of school, a few hours before me and my mothers argument, and half of a day before I turned into a cat.

"Yeah, but, still." I found myself at a loss of words to continue my argument. How we got on this topic, I had no idea. But that was the great thing about our friendship. We never ran out of things to talk about. As long as we had each other, we were fine.

Now, I know that sounds like a cheesy thing a boyfriend would say, but that's how close we are. She's been my best friend ever since I stole the last cookie from preschool. Well, we became friends after that. Our parents made us sit in a room together to sort our stuff out because the teacher was complaining about our "unruly behavior." Finally, I made a move to start a conversation and once I found out she liked ponies, just like me, we became best buds.

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