Phase One

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Picture is of Ally in her dog form. I was planning on using my cousin's dog since they have an Akkita (It literally looks like a statue it's so perfect), but I didn't have a pic so instead I'm using this one.

Please comment and vote! That's what keeps me going? Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Alright, I'm just going to get down to business before my train of thought leaves me again....

So this is our plan, for real this time...

It wasn't that complicated, but it wasn't the greatest idea either.

Phase one:

Ally would text Rice saying that she was out shopping with some friends or something to keep him out of suspicion. In the meantime, she would sneak onto his phone, and change her contact to her moms name so she could text him from her phone but have it disguised as a family member.

Now for the next part of the plan. It was a little bit mean, I must say, but what choice did we have?

Phase Two:

Acting as if she was rice's mother, Ally would say that his sister, Alisha, was in a car accident, and he was to come home immediately.

Then we would just have to hope that Rice would go back home and find out it was all a harmless joke from someone "anonymous."

Phase Three:

We were hoping that by the time he got back and realized it was all a joke, he would stay home. All we needed was a couple of days to delay him so break would almost be over and it would be pointless for him to go back. We were willing to do anything to make him stay at home and by anything, I meant anything.

Phase Four:

With Rice staying home, that would end up giving me and Ally the time we needed to get us back into human form.

Now we just had to hope that it would work.

Ally was to text me once she left the car accident message on Rice's phone and I've been waiting all day.

Oh, one more thing. Ally was not just any dog, but Rice's dog, Nikki. She was a purebred Akita and drop dead gorgeous. Nikki used to be a show dog and Rice's parents, being the extremely rich family they are, bought her when she was three because she had already earned half a million in winnings.

Let's just say Rice's parents went from being rich to extremely rich with Nikki. Rice got so attached to that dog that he took her and her diamond collar everywhere.

I had been taking a power nap, it's one of the things I can do to entertain my self, when the specialized ringtone indicating I had a text message woke me up. I glanced at the screen, a tinge of hopefulness beating in my heart. I cautiously looked at it and relief washed over me when I saw what she wrote.

Txt message snt. R bookung plnr ticket home.

I couldn't help but chuckle on the inside. I could only imagine how hard it would be to text with doggy paws. At least phase one of our plan was complete. It could take awhile, but we needed to fix this dilemma.

That's when I remembered my mom. She was probably worried sick and extremely furious at me. I felt so bad for not being able to explain.

I guess I could, I mean, I could show her by writing something.

But that would probably make her have a heart attack or a seizer or go onto a comma. Wait, can people go onto a comma from shock? Eh, either way, it probably wasn't the best idea. At least I can text people.

Oh, wow. I'm stupid. Geesh, Rachel, why didn't you think of texting her before and acting as if everything was all ok! Come on, girl, you're a natural brunette, not blonde! Meh, what did it matter? Some of the smartest people I knew were blonds, except for Evian. But Evian's a... What do you call people with black hair? Black head? No, that just sounded a little bit weird. Like you never hear anyone saying,

I wanna die my hair so I can go from being a red head to a black head.

No, that wouldn't catch on anytime soon.

But what do you call people with black hair? Oh well, that's besides the point. How'd I get here again?

Oh right, I was talking about how some of the smartest people I know are blondes and...blackheads?

Yup, that's not a catchy word. It just sounds like the pimple. And I don't think you can get pimply hair. That just be really wierd.

Like, oh, I have to go put blackhead remover on my hair since I'm getting acne on my scalp.

Wow, I have a weird, bubbly, brain.

But whatever, that just proves that blondes are NOT dumb. Because I'm a brunet and I'm not the brightest bulb on the lamp, or is the in the box?

See? That's my point right there.

Ok, now I just need to rewind and figure out what I was talking about before....

Blackheads, blondes, smart, texting...

Right, texting. My mom.

I crept over to my iPad and successfully tapped on her contact after three tries. I clicked the little message button and began to compose my apology.

Hey, just wanted to say that I'm EXTREMELY SORRY 😢😢😭😭for leaving out of the blue. The home owners contacted me in the middle of the night saying that they had an early cancelation and if I came before two, I could stay and extra three days for a minimal cost.😄😀😃

There, that would help buy me some more time if I needed it.

Anyways, I'm so, so, so, so, so, sorry for not telling you that. I am in Maui, and I'm loving the weather! 😃😃😃😃 I miss you so much and I hope you have a good break. Take care of yourself and Dexter, especially Dexter... You know how much he doesn't like tuna... 😳
Love you!💛💙💜💚❤️

If you can't tell, I'm a little bit obsessed with emojis. I ❤️ them! Hehe, get it? I love emojis and I used a emoji heart to display that.... Yeah, I'm cheesy like that.

I attached a photo of a Maui beach that I found from Google. It wasn't very professional so I was hoping it would be able to pass for something I could take. I clicked the send button and then remembered the villa owners.

Going to my mail, I typed out a quick apology that went something along the lines of...

Sorry, family emergency.... At least you have my $500 deposit thingy that I had to give you before hand. Umm, maybe next year?
-Rachel Robby

Yeah, they were probably furious at me, but I had no time to waste. I needed to get back to a human.

I curled up in a ball and decided to resume my nap. It was amazing at how much sleep cats needed. Well, they were up during the night a lot, so that would probably explain it, but some babies don't even sleep this much!

The last thing I remember before escaping off to dreamland, was reading Ally's last text that said:

Ticket booked. See you in two days.

I smiled.

She even got her spelling down.

The Day I Turned Into a Cat (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz