'We're waiting by the gazebo beside that huge ass tree'
'It's beside the gym'
'We bought food'
'Taehyung, and Amy are coming'
'Hurry, we're hungry'

"Ah! Lunch timeeee!" Chuanli said as he stretched. He picked his bag back up and collected his notes. "You should join us for lunch Junghee"

"O-oh, I'm with Amy and Taehyung" I replied

"Alright, you should definitely join us next time" Chuanli said before he waved goodbye and walked out with Jade and his other friends including Jiwon who smiled at me.

'Coming' I texted kook and immediately went to the gazebo.

"How'd you guys got in?" I asked as I sat beside Jin and hugged him.

"Apparently, Seokjin hyung here is friends with the dean. That's how we got in" Jungkook chuckled and nudged Joon's arm.

"Ah it's nice to have friends with a lot of connections" Jungkook said as he pulled out the food from the paper bags.

My eyes lit up as I saw our lunch. I guess I'm hungry too.

"Where's your other friend?" Jin asked "Yoowon? Jungwon?..."

"Joowon" Amy replied "he doesn't have morning classes, it's kinda sad"

"That's how college life is, you gotta accept the fact that you guys won't always be together" Namjoon said as he took a bite from his food.

"Thank you for the food" Taehyung said before he ate.

"Is the food okay? Do you like it-" Jin asked as I stuffed my mouth with food. I looked at him and nodded.

"I guess you like it a little bit too much" he laughed "don't eat too fast, you'll choke"

Jungkook, Namjoon, Amy and Taehyung looked up and giggled.

"Hyung you should be careful of your words, sometimes it doesn't sound right" Jungkook giggled.

"Yah! Just eat your food" Jin scolded him as they continued giggling. He looked down and started to eat as well.

I giggled too as I noticed his ear getting red.

"What?" Jin asked, still focusing on his food.

"Nothing" I replied as I opened a can of cola and tried not to smile.

"You wanna choke?" He whispered

I choked on my cola.

"You alright Junghee???" Taehyung laughed as he realized I was literally choking on my drink.

"Y-yeah" I coughed "I'm fine"

I looked up at Jin as he handed me his handkerchief while giving me a little smirk. "You alright?"

I nodded and chuckled "yeah. Thanks"
After another subject, I proceeded to my last class. The whole class was silent not because they're listening, but because they're bored and almost falling asleep.

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