Chapter 7 Mother and Son Reunion

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a/n: picture at the top is what Kai looks like


Kai struggled in his chains as Peaches did too. Shortly after they were captured the two were chained up and thrown inside a closet. They lost track of time, but they believed it was now day time. 

Kai: Any luck pal? 

Peaches shuck his head. They had put the monkey in sea prism handcuffs while they had Kai in regular shackles. Believing that they dont have to waste a pair on a kid like Kai. The door opened and in walked Lucci. 

Lucci: Your still kicking, come we have matters to attend too. 

Lucci grabbed Kai and  Peaches and carried them. 

Kai: Where are we going?

Lucci: we're taking you to see your dear mother. 

(scene change)

Robin sat inside a room with Blueno(who was still in his disguise) sitting across from her. 

Robin: I'm here, now what do you want?

Blueno: Merely just wondering what an infamous woman like you is doing in Water 7.

Robin: I was traveling with some people and we needed to stop here. 

Blueno: You mean the straw hats correct? I cant help but wonder why a woman like you would join a rookie crew like them. 

Robin: They let me come with them, so I figured why not. 

Blueno: I've seen you have gone a quite a journey with them. You escaped Alabasta, then crash land in the G-8 marine base, end up at Long Ring Long Island where you met Aokiji, and finally you are here. You've been able to evade the marines ever since you were a little girl. So I suggest you cut the crap. 

Robin: I dont know what your talking about, so please enlighten me. 

Blueno: Never have you worked for someone and not betrayed them. So why would it be any different from Straw Hat. He defeated your former boss so then you decided to join him. How much longer before you decide to betray them?

She started to get defensive. 

Robin: It's not like that!

Blueno: After everything what makes these people so different. 

Robin: These people have proven to me that they wouldnt leave me behind. If they wanted to they would have just left me to die in Alabasta. 

Blueno: You've grown attached to them Nico Robin, such a shame. Two of their members already have bounties making them dangerous. Even though the rest of the crew doesn't have bounties they are guilty enough for being pirates and for harboring a fugitive. 

Robin's eyes widened. 

Robin: Wait no please, they know nothing! 

Blueno: My you've formed attachments to them, that's not good. If you wish so badly to save them we'll make you a deal. Do what we say and we not only let the Straw Hats leave the island freely but we'll also release him. 

Robin got puzzled. 

Robin: Him, what are you talking about?

The door swung open and in walked Lucci, carrying Kai and Peaches. Lucci threw down onto the floor. Kai managed to raise his head up and locked eyes with his mom. Both of their eyes widened. 

Kai: Mom.

Robin: Kai!

Robin quickly was on her feet, ready to go over to Kai. However Blueno held her back. 

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