Chapter 17 Bridge Battle

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The strawhats stared at the now burning Enies Lobby. A report had just came in stating that the Franky Family had been wiped out on the island. Franky was left broken at their deaths, but he had to stay strong because the fight was far from over. Back on the ship, the others were in disbelief of what was going on.

Nami: Is it really okay for people to do so easily like this.

Robin: The marines don't see people, only the image of an island on a map. To them they are merely erasing an island off a map. This is what a buster call is.

Kai: Do you think Luffy is going to be okay.

Luffy was in the middle of a heated battle against Rob Lucci. The battle had destroyed most of the tower and each other, however both were still going all out.

Chopper: Don't worry, there's a reason Luffy is fighting Lucci.

Nami: He always seems to know which enemy he has to fight, like an instinct of his.

The silence was then broken by cannon fire, which hit the tower. All five of the war ships were now heading right for them. The pirates all watched as the massive vessels surrounding. They readied themselves, for they knew what was about to happen. However despite this, it didn't stop some of them for cheering on Luffy.


All 200 captains jumped of the ships and landed down on the bridge. Zoro, Usopp, and Franky began fighting them, but there were too many for them all to handle. The captains managed to get past them and started running for the ship.

Nami: You guys stay here, I'll hold them off.

Nami charged at the marines, the end of her staff started to emit lightning.

Nami: Thunder Charge-Swing Arm!

Nami swung her staff, the marines in front got zapped by it and fell to the ground.

Nami: Thunder Ball!

She took one of the spheres from her staff and threw it into the air, a cloud began to form. When the captains looked up at it, they were struck from lightning from the cloud. To say the least, Nami was impressed with what she had done. However as quickly as she defeated them, another group had just arrived.

Marine: Lets get her!

They all leapt in the air, ready to strike her down, however someone stopped them.


Kai shot them all down with his lightning. Nami looked up and saw the now transformed Kai.

Nami: Kai is that you?

Kai grinned.

Kai: Yeah, pretty cool right?

Nami: Definitely comes in handy I'll say.

The marines then turned their attention to Kai.

Marine: What the hell is that thing?

Marine2: Who cares, just shoot it.

They all pointed their guns at Kai. Before they could pull the triggers, arms suddenly appeared and started to snap them, rather violently. As they fell to the ground, Robin appeared.

Robin: Attempting to harm my son is a fatal mistake.

She then turned to Nami.

Robin: You forget, we're part of the Strawhats to. If you fight, then we fight to.

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