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a/n: Picture at the top is what he looks like as a toddler


There laid an island in the middle of the vast ocean. On this island was a small village. It was the middle of the night, so everyone thing was quiet. Except for the loud screams coming from an alley. In this alley was a women with tanned skin and long black hair. Her name was Nico Robin and the reason she was screaming was because she was in labor. 

Robin POV

I tried to muffle my screams but they were too painful. Is this what all women experience when they go through labor? Never in my life did I think I would have children. The only reason I'm having this one was because a couple months ago a group of pirates forced themselves on me and I was to drunk to fight back. I couldn't go to a doctor in fear of be found out.

So I waited out these 9 months and here I am now. Thank god it was the middle of the night so no one would hear me. I'm planning on leaving this child out someone else's house or at an orphanage. I cant raise a child! I'm constantly on the run from the marines. This kid would only slow me down.

With one final push I manage to final push this kid out of me. I regain my breath as I relax. However something is wrong, I dont hear anything. I force myself up with what little energy I have left. I look down and see my baby on the ground, it wasn't moving. I pick them up as I feel my heart drop. I was planning on leaving the baby but I didn't want them to die. I feel tears come to my eyes.

Suddenly I hear a small cough. I look down at my baby as it coughs up fluid and starts to move. By now the tears were flowing. Not from sadness, but from happiness. I held the child close to my chest. I check and see that my kid is in fact a boy. 

His eyes open up and I see a pair of beautiful green eyes. My heart starts to break. I didn't think I would get this attached to him already. But then I started to think about my life, how I grew up without parents. Feeling unwanted, unloved, abandoned. I couldn't let him go through this.

I grab a near by blanket and wrap him up in it. He starts to cry so I lean down and kiss his forehead. He calms down which makes me smile. I could be taking a big risk by doing this but I already decided. 

I'm keeping my son.


Me: Come on Kai.

Kai: Coming mommy.

It's been three years since I gave birth to my son. I named him Nico Kai. He has black hair and green eyes and is just too cute. There have been times when having Kai around were rough but I dont regret my actions. Kai is the best thing in my life and I love him so much. 

Anyways Kai finally caught up to me and grabbed my hand. After that we began another adventure together. Of just me and my son. 

There we go Prologue is now complete. I hope you all will enjoy my new story. See ya next time!

Question: Should I give Kai a devil fruit? And if so what king(Paramecia, Zoan, Logia)

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