Chapter 5 Old Friend

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It has now been a week since Kai and Peaches met each other. Their days consisted of mostly flying from island to island, usually only stopping to either rest or eat. Currently the duo had just made it to a new island and decided to take a break. When they arrived, the townsfolks couldn't believe that they saw a boy with wings. 

Kai and Peaches sat under a tree as they ate fruit. Peaches managed to climb up the tree and knock down multiple fruits to dine on. Over the past week these two had quite the adventure. On one island they came across a band of thieves. Once the thieves realized these two had devil fruits they tried to capture them. Peaches turned into his gorilla mode and clobbered the thieves while Kai managed to trick them by making them fall off a cliff.

On another day they were flying over the ocean when suddenly a giant sea king appeared and tried to eat them. Luckily they outmaneuvered the beast. Their most terrifying experience was when they were flying and suddenly the whole sky had turned dark. Behind them giant figures appeared.

Needless to say, once Kai saw this he flew faster than a 7 year old should be able to do

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Needless to say, once Kai saw this he flew faster than a 7 year old should be able to do. 

After all this stuff, it was nice to finally relax. Unfortunately it didn't last long as they were approached by two guys with sly smiles on their faces. 

Guy1: Well, well, what do we have here?

Guy2: A little boy and his pet monkey. 

Guy1: Aren't you too young to be on your own?

Kai sighed. 

Kai: Please leave us along." he said in an annoyed tone"

Their smiles dropped. 

Guy1: You should us more respect good, we are your superiors. 

Guy2: You say the wrong thing to the wrong person you might get yourself in trouble. 

Kai got up and Peaches got onto his shoulder. 

Kai: You sure you want to do this?

The two men now were annoyed and unsheathed their swords. 

Guy1: You think you two pipsqueaks can take on two pirates!

Guy2: Bring it!

However before the fight could start there was a blinding light. When the light vanished both the guys were incased in ice. Not only that but the nearby area was covered in ice as well. Kai's eyes widened at what had just happened. 

???: Got to say kid, you talk a pretty big game. 

A large man approached Kai. 

???: You should be more careful, those were pirates

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???: You should be more careful, those were pirates. 

Kai: We've could have taken them. 

???: We?

Kai held up Peaches. 

Kai: His name is Peaches, we've fought multiple pirates before. 

???: For such a young age you know how to fight. The name is Aokiji, what's yours?

Kai: Kai, Nico Kai.

Aokiji stared at Kai for a few seconds and then spoke again. 

Aokiji: Nico Kai huh, say is your mother Nico Robin?

Kai's eyes widened. His wings reappeared and he flew right up to Aokiji's face. 

Kai: You know my mom?

Aokiji: Yeah, in fact I even know where she is headed. 


Aokiji: Calm down kid I'll tell you.

Kai went back to the ground. Aokiji then knelt down so he could face him. 

Aokiji: She's headed to a place called Water 7, I know how to get there. 

Aokiji took out an eternal pose and gave it to Kai.

Aokiji: This is called an eternal pose, it's a special compass that points to only one location. In this case Water 7. 

Kai had a huge smile on his face. 

Kai: Thank you Mr Aokiji!

Aokiji chuckled. 

Aokiji: No problem kid, you better get going. 

Kai: By the way how did you freeze those guys?

Aokiji held out his hand as it turned to ice. 

Aokiji: I ate the Ice-Ice Fruit. Not only does it allow me to conjure ice but to turn into it as well. Speaking of devil fruits, if I'm not mistaken you ate one as well. 

Kai nodded as he held out his wings. 

Kai: That's right, I ate a devil fruit. Even Peaches ate one. 

Peaches then turned into his gorilla form. 

Kai: Peaches ate the Monkey-Monkey Fruit: Model Gorilla. I ate a bird type devil fruit but I dont know what kind.

Aokiji: Dont worry, you will one day. Better get going. 

Kai: Right. 

Peaches shrunk down and got onto Kai. The two then took off as Aokiji watched them disappear. 

Aokiji: Such a shame that young Kai will have to pay for his mother's crimes. 

There we go Chapter 5 is now complete. I hoped you all enjoyed it. See ya next time!

Next Chapter: Water 7 

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