Chapter 18 Escape from Enies Lobby

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He done it, he actually did it. Monkey D Luffy has just defeated the notorious Rob Lucci of CP9. The marines were left speechless at this, but to the Strawhats they felt nothing but pride. Even the shipwrights heard the announcement and were cheering. All that was left now was to escape from the island. However the marines weren't going to let that happen, so the pirates got back to business. Zoro swung his swords, Nami conjured more storm clouds, Usopp fired off more shells, and Franky blasted away. Kai sat on top off Funkfreed as the elephant went on a rampage. Another announcement echoed throughout the battlefield.

Marine: Sir, it's Strawhat Luffy! He appears to be severely wounded!

The strawhats stopped once again after hearing this. Usopp ran over to the ledge and began yelling at Luffy to move it or else they would all die, however no matter what Luffy did he couldn't move a muscle. To put it simply he used everything he had to defeat Lucci, even pushed himself beyond his limit, but now it had taken its toll.

Nami: Quick someone grab Luffy, we need to board the ship and get out of her now!

The moment Nami said that the ship behind them went up in flames. That ship was there one way off the island, and all they could was look at it in horror. Luckily from the smoke of the burning vessel, Sanji came charging out carrying those who were on the ship. While everyone was back together, that didn't mean they were safe. The battleships around began opening fire onto them. Everyone started to run, those who were unfortunate got sent flying from the cannon fire.

When the fire ceased and the smoke vanished, the strawhats realized how screwed they were. The blast had decimated the bridge, leaving only a small chunk of it left. A chunk that all of the strawhats were stuck on as the battleships circled around them.

Sanji: Dammit we're surrounded!

Zoro: There's nothing we can do, we have no where else to go!

Nami: Then we'll stand here and fight!

Franky: Don't be stupid, they'll only send more captains after us!

The cannons on the battleships began to turn and were now pointing at Luffy. Luffy tried to move but was still unable to. Meanwhile the others had no way of reaching him, all except one.

Kai: Okay, Funkfreed let's do it!

Kai shot up into the air was Funkfreed transformed back into a sword. The boy quickly flew over to where Luffy was. Once at the tower he swung Funkfreed, the elephant extended like a whip and went down towards Luffy. There Funkfreed wrapped his trunk around Luffy, lifting him up.

Kai: I got him! I got him!

Despite his injuries, Luffy still managed to speak.

Luffy(weakly): Ha ha, thanks Kai.

The achievement was short lived as the marines saw this and adjusted their cannons so that they were now pointed at Kai. Kai became frozen with fear as he couldn't help but stare at the large barrels pointed at him.


Usopp screamed this out as the strawhats back on the ship stared out at the ocean, amazed by something they were seeing. Back in the sky Kai was startled by what Usopp was saying.

Kai: Wait, but we can't...

Robin quickly cut him off.


Marine: One....FIRE!

Kai's wings disappeared into a poof as he, Funkfreed, and Luffy plummeted down towards the water. Right in time to as the cannons collided into the tower. Meanwhile everyone on the bridge jumped right off the bridge.

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