Chapter 16 Buster Call

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Robin, Kai, and Franky were all ready to kick some marine ass as said soldiers were only surprised and scared on what to do. 

Franky: ALRIGHT, LETS...

An explosion was heard all throughout the island. Everyone turned their attention to where it occurred, on the outer ring of the island. From the misty entrance of the opened gate, the silhouette of a warship could be seen. That meant only one thing. 

Franky: Shit, is that a warship?

Kai: Then that means...

Robin: Yes, soon the buster call will happen. And this whole island will be reduced to ash. 

Without warning, the warship fired another shot, right at the Tower of Justice. The entire top of the tower fell off and plunged into the abyss beneath. Back in the town, the marines began freaking out and running towards the dock. 

Kai: Wait, weren't...

The transponder snail went off as Franky answered it. 

Sanji(call): Hey Franky we're all okay and heading you're way. 

Robin: Thank goodness.

Kai: I thought they were all dead. 

Franky: No need to worry little man, one thing we all have in common is crazy luck. Now then, how you guys feeling, up for a fight?

Robin: Of course.

Kai: I'm ready to kick butt. 

Robin ruffled the feathers on his head. 

Robin: Now while I don't condone you fighting, it seems like I'll be too busy to pay attention to you. However, do you promise me that you'll be careful. 

Kai merely grinned before flying back into the sky. The group of marines on the bridge charged at the trio. Kai began to glow once more. 


Lightning shot out everywhere, causing dozens of marines to fall down from shock. 

Franky: I noticed that ship on the other side. It's our best chance of getting out of this place. 

Robin: Well, we are already wanted criminals, might as well steal a ship. 

Franky: Alright then, let's get going before Kai fights everyone on his own. 

A group of marines readied their rifles, ready to shoot. However, arms started growing out of their bodies and knocked them out, Robin grinned.  Franky detached his hand and was swinging it around like a wrecking ball. Marines went flying left and right. Kai flew through the air, avoiding gunfire will firing his own bolts of lightning. To put it frankly, they were kicking ass, and Franky was having most of the fun. He showed all of his gadgets, from his weapons left to breath fire. 

Marine 1: Man, these guys are packing some serious fire power. 

Marine 2: Do we even stand a chance?

The marines began backing away in fear, which only excited Franky. 

Franky: You guys still not excited, well prepare for this. FRANKY...

The front of his legs extended out. 



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