Chapter 15 Gates of Justice

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Spandam continued to drag Robin and Kai with him up the stairs. Luffy had now caught up with them and was now battling against Lucci. He had confidence in the agent, but that didn't stop him from freaking out. He pulled out his transponder snail and called out to them, trying to figure what the hell was going on. 

Spandam: Hey CP9, this is your chief, what the hell is going on? One of the strawhats is on my tail, what is taking so long for you guys to take a bunch of pirates out?

That was when Robin realized something horrifying, the snail Spandam was holding was golden. There is one thing golden snails are used for, activating a buster call. 

Robin: Wait, you didn't press that button did you? 

That was when Spandam realized his mistake, but it was already too late. The signal had already been sent out, navy headquarters had received the call and was now scrambling ten battleships on their way to the island. Through his other transponder snail, Kalifa called in.

Kalifa: What is it chief?

Spandam: Oh now you pick up, although it doesn't matter anymore. It is already too late, there's now going back now. I'VE TRIGGERED THE BUSTER CALL!

Unknown to Spandam, everyone all over the island could hear what he was saying. The navy soldiers were just as horrified to hear that a buster call was being sent to their island. Kai was just as scared. as he heard what has happened to his mom's home island. 

Robin: You have to cancel it right away! Don't you realize what you've done? EVERYONE IS GOING TO DIE!

Spandam: Cancel it, who do you think you are? I simply called upon a buster call to make sure your transfer goes smoothly. So what is things get a little messy, anything to make sure those pirates get eliminated. 

Robin: You fool, it won't just end there! The buster call will burn everything down; the people, the buildings, even the island itself! That is the power you have evoked! If you had seen what had happened in Ohara, you would not be doing this!

Spandam: So what if there are sacrifices, that's just how important this mission is. Since Cutty Flam burned the blueprints, you are the last hope of reviving the ancient weapons. For a weapon that can turn this era upside down, I'm willing to sacrifice thousands of soldiers. I know the consequences, I just don't care. The future is at stake here, 

Unknown to Spandam, all of the soldiers across the island could hear their conversation. They all were shocked to hear that they would be killed without a second doubt. 

Spandam: CP9 can kill anyone if it's in the name of justice. For true justice, you have to be ruthless at times. Besides if those soldiers couldn't even stop a few pirates don't deserve to live. 

Robin: A think you're still connected. 

Spandam then realized everyone heard what he had said. 


He then hit Robin, causing her to fall down the stairs. This angered Kai. 

Kai: You bully!

He bit hard onto Spandam's ankle, causing the man to scream.  Spandam began flailing around until he managed to get Kai off, who smacked against the wall. 

Spandam: You little...

Robin charged at Spandam and knocked him down. 

Robin: KAI RUN!

Kai took off running down the stairs, Spandam threw Robin off of him and took out Funkfreed, who was now in his hybrid form. The elephant sword lunged at Kai, Robin quickly got up and jumped in front of Kai. The zoan slammed into the tow, with Robin taking most of the blow. The smacked hard against a wall, causing it to crack. They fell onto the ground, unmoving. Spandam approached the two and kicked Robin further down the stairs. 

Son of Nico Robinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें