Chapter 15: Volleyball

Start from the beginning

I went downstairs and started to play a game on my phone while I waited for Serena to come downstairs. When she finally came downstairs we started to go to the beach.

We went down the porch and walked to the beach when we saw Lauren, Leo and Lara. Oh great!

"Hey," I said smiling widely.

"Hey, Alison," Lara and Lauren greeted grinning.

We were chatting and walking along the beach when we noticed Wesley.

"Hey," We all greeted as we saw them, and Wesley introduced us to Noah. I don't know why, but everyone in this city was just so good looking. He had dirty blond hair and light brown eyes, he had a strong jaw line and had a very pale complexion. 

I was quite a shy person, so being in a large group of people made me really nervous. I never knew what to say.

I was just standing there listening to the conversation when Connor came next to me.

"Hey," He said smiling down at me.

"Hey," I replied tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I enjoyed our date last night," He replied swaying slightly.

"Me too," I said looking up and smiling at him.

"I promise that on our date on Friday, I wont wake you somewhere where your scared of dieing," He was mocking me.

I playfully glared at him. "Gee...Thanks," I said sarcastically.

We were so engrossed in our conversation that we didn't even realise that everyone had chosen there teams. I was with Serena, Leo and Lauren.

On the other team was Lara, Connor, Wesley and Noah. I wanted to make a formal complaint about the team. Sure, Leo was probably really good but that was it, it was like Leo playing against four people. I was about to point this out when Serena beat me to it. So Noah was added to our team and Serena had to go to the other team.

There was an odd number of people and my team was worse so we very much needed the extra player.

We started playing for a while and I had made a fool of myself exactly three times already and I was definitely the reason my team was losing. I was getting really embarrassed and now everyone had started aiming the ball directly at me so that we would lose. Now that's just unfair. 

Leo was smirking at me. I gave him the dirtiest glare I could, but then I realised I was probably making him lose, he had a big ego so that must be a big deal for him. I would have said sorry but I didn't think he really deserved it after the creep hes been lately, I was still petrified he would tell everyone about my nightmares.

It was Leo's turn to serve but he turned to me. "Here, you serve," He looked serious. Did he love making a fool out of me this much?

"No," I replied a little too harshly.

"Well, we'll all just have to wait then wont we," He said rudely, he didn't have to be so mean. I couldnt serve and he knew it.

I looked up to see everyone staring at us, and particularly me, I really wanted to just run and hide.

Leo had started to explain to me how you do it, he put his hand on top of mine and started show me how to play.

"Now you try," He spoke confidently. I was actually scared in a way. I slowly tried to serve the ball praying that I would do it right. 

"See, that wasn't so hard was it," Leo said smiling genuinely, it looked like he was actually happy for me that I had served properly.

"Thanks," I mumbled even though I knew he had probably heard it. After that they stopped passing it to me so much as I could actually hit it back. I only shied away from the ball a couple of times and each of those times Lauren saved me.


We won! We actually won, and I had scored the equaliser, I was beyond ecstatic, but that didn't stop Wesley and Lara teasing me.

I just laughed sarcastically trying not to get offended, it was just light hearted joking.

We all decided to go back to Leo's place for pizza, since we were all starving after that game. The sky had now turned a light shade of pink and I was mesmerized by it, there was a light shade of green also visible. I wasn't really listening to the conversation, but I decided that I probably should. I looked back down to see Leo staring at me again. Seriously, what was his problem?

I smiled slightly towards him then quickly looked away. I realised he might mind me coming to his house, since I was rude to him, "You don't mind if I come your house do you?" I asked quietly.

"No why would I?" He said not really expecting an answer. We got there and sure enough it was the same house I had come to that night when he had saved me.

When we went inside, Serena complimented his house, but he didn't really reply much. Not the way he replied when I said his house looked amazing. He grabbed the telephone and ordered some pizza and chips.

Since we couldn't go out as we had to wait for the pizza, we decided to watch a movie. So I was here, in this beautiful city on holiday...and I was going to watch movie, but there wasn't much else I could do so great! That's what I was gonna spend my day doing.

"Actually, lets all play a game of table top football," Lauren suggested while we were picking movies. This  made everyone happier, but I was exhausted and didnt want to play much.

When they all went upstairs I went to Leo's porch to look at the sunset, I hadn't seen it in a few days and I missed looking at its beauty. I had my bag on me and inside was my drawing pad, I got it out and started to draw the sunset, I was looking at the different shades in the sky above the grassy green trees when I heard the door close behind me, I turned around slightly to see Leo, I really didn't know why he was here.

"Why aren't you upstairs with everyone?" He asked before I could speak.

"Just thought I'de have some time alone, I love watching the sunset and the sunrise," I said a little to happily but I couldn't help it.

He just smiled for a while before saying, "Wait, whats that?" He asked referring to my sketch pad which was now closed and was in my hand. Like my music I didn't want people to see my drawings.

"Nothing," I said innocently.

"Please let me see?" He asked politely.

"Nope," I said popping the 'p'

He decided that he wasn't going to give up, he tried to grab the book out of my hand but I switched hands, he then tried to get it from my right hand. We started mucking around, but then when he actually got the book, it was my turn, I tried to grab the sketch pad but it was too late, he was already looking at my drawings

"Please, give it back?" I asked pleadingly, but he wasn't listening to me, he was looking at each picture his forehead creased a little like he was deep in thought. I wondered what he was thinking...

"My god, Alison...these are well, spectacular," He said in awe.

"Thanks," I replied sincerely, but don't get me wong, I still despised Leo for everything he has done.

"You should finish this," He said continuing to speak handing me back the book.

"yeah, thanks," I said smiling. He smiled back at me.

Connor came outside, and seeing the two of us together I'm pretty sure he got the wrong idea.

"The food is here," He said icily before walking away. Talk about awkward. 







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