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"Ag, are you okay?" I broke away from the kiss, moving my self up so I could seat upright instead of being underneath her. She pulled back as well, sitting back on the bed how she once did before we started to do, whatever we were even doing. Her mind, I could tell was racing. But, about what exactly? "Ag?" I asked again, trying to break her silence as one of my hands rested on her shoulder. But, she flinched at my touch. Now thoughts of my own danced in the back of my mind. One being, why did she flinch when I touched her? Being in the silence again, made me reflect on this whole day. Well, technically both day and early morning now. As questions filled my head. Like, was I seriously about to give myself to her again? And, even if I was, which I think I was, even though my brains foggy, why'd she freeze up like that? Freeze up like she had just seen a ghost. Even though I was still hurt by her, I wanted to be there for her. I guess you could say that is my fatal flaw. Her hands were placed in her lap, balled up together. That's when it clicked, she does that to stop her hands from shaking. But, why? "Ag?" I asked again, this time a little louder but still keeping my whisper. She stared blankly at the wall, and opened her mouth, but then shortly closed it. Recollecting all of her thoughts, and trying to make them in to a sentence. "What is this?" Is all she said, still remaining in her same composure, but her voice wanted to break. Even though I could tell she willed herself not to. "What do you mean, 'what is this'?" I asked right back, staring at her in concern. She stood up, and turned to me. "What was that," She gestured to the bed, "What is this?" She finally said, now pointing back and forth between the both of us. Her voice was now breaking, she couldn't will herself to hold it back any longer. I sat there in silence, she was absolutely right. What was that we were even about to do? And, what did it mean exactly? But, more importantly, what are we? But, thankfully, my thoughts got cut short, with a soft knocking at the door. I knew it was Emmi, only Emmi does a soft tap of a knock like that. Both me and Ag, looked towards the door. I knew I shouldn't have, because me and Ag can't keep delaying this conversation that is eating us both up inside, but I wanted to avoid it. I wanted to ignore it. "Come in." I said, finally, guilt coursing through my veins. As one last thought came in to play, why am I trying to run from the conversation me and Ag are both dying to need? What am I so afraid of? But, as Emmi walked in, her face was pale.

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