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I hate crying, I hate it so much. All crying does is show I'm weak, and I'm not weak. I'm not, I swear. But, around Anna, for some odd reason I am. It's like around her I'm more vulnerable than ever. Around her I feel all these feelings, that I would've never before. It's almost like with her, I'm in touch with parts of me I never even knew exsisted. Not only the good, but also the worst parts as well. Why does she make me feel this way? Even though it was dark and the stars were out, I kept walking. I had to, I didn't even care where I ended up. I just knew I had to get out of there before I made things any worse. Maybe, coming here was a stupid mistake. Why did I even think it was a good idea? Some things just need to stay in the past. Old fights, old memories, old people. All just need to stay in the past. People leave your life all the time, no ones ever guaranteed to stay. No one. And, why on earth did I push so hard to keep Anna in my life? Why'd I fight so hard, for someone who clearly could care less whether I was in theirs or not. My hands were trembling, but I kept walking. Cars passing by at random. Houses after houses popping up in Anna's neighborhood. Coming here was a bad choice, I kept thinking to myself. A choice that if in all honesty, I could take back, I would. Hell, if I could take back all these feelings I felt towards Anna, I would. I don't want to feel anymore, I swear I don't. I want everything to stop, all this pain, all these memories of Anna that dance in my head every single second of the day. All of it, I just want to stop. Because, why do I have to care for someone more than they are willing to care for me? Why'd I even say all those things to her, or even, sleep with her? Why do I even care, when I have a girlfriend back home? A girl, who I care so strongly about. Who I might even love. Everything filled my head, as everything began to spin. Everything.

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