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"I have to talk to her." Anna said, this time her eyes had lowered down to the floor, and her hands were picking at each others fingers. She was nervous, I mean, I know her better then anyone elese on this whole earth. And, she always does that when she's nervous. Part of me wanted to show her more empathy, showing her how sorry I was for yelling at her. But, another part of me knew, if I didn't knock some sense in to her, who would? I can handle her being mad at me, compared to a lifetime of her heart constantly breaking over and over again just by Ag's name. You are given a choice every day, and you constantly have to pick and choose your battles. And, if that means making Anna angry at me to the point her blood boils, then so be it. "Yeah, that would be wise." I replied, studying her every move. Her breath growing shallower with each breath inhaled. "What if I mess it up more?" Anna looked up at me with puppy dog eyes, I could tell she was lost. But, this was something she had to do on her own. Something she had to figure out, no matter how scary it was. "Do what your heart wants to do or say. And, just go with it." I stepped closer to Anna as she forced a smile, tears wanting to slip away on to her skin again. "What if my heart doesn't know what to do?" Her voice broke, and it was quite painful to watch. Holding her in a strong embrace, I just let her cry on to my shoulder. "You do Anna, you do." I spoke softly, not letting go until she willed me to. After a couple more seconds she pulled away and walked out the bedroom door. And, walked out the house. Not saying anything, because after our hug nothing needed to be said. She knew what she needed to do, and now it was just up to her. Up to her heart, something most people are so afraid of letting think for their actions or choices now a days.

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