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After Ag walked away, only one thought crossed my mind. I'm not letting the girl I love more deeply then anyone else in this whole stupid universe, to walk away. I won't let her leave me. Not again. "Actually it does matter!" I shouted, hunched over trying to get my breath. Praying it was enough to make her turn around. "Why? You said it yourself, you were drunk, it was a mistake. The sex, the 'I love you', everything. You said it was all a mistake, and the worst part about it is, even though you were drunk, I still let that happen. I took away your first time, when it's supposed to be special, something magical. And, I took that away, and you were drunk. So, you don't even remember a thing. So, no it does not matter to answer your question." Ag said, partially turned towards me, and partially towards the way she was headed. Her eyes shined so brightly for someone who has been hurt so much in their past. Her eyes also laced with tears, she was hurt, and it was because of me. It honestly felt like my heart was being stabbed with a burning knife and twisted, I was unable to move, to speak. Did she seriously think it was all a mistake, I never once said it, but at the same time, I was drunk, so did I say that to her and just not remember? She turned back around, slowly walking away. I need to speak out, my mind raced. I can't just let her walk away thinking that was my answer. Nothing. "Ag, please." I grabbed her arm, surprised that words were actually capable of forming. "Please, I need you. I need you to understand. None of that was a mistake, letting you be my first, hey, look at me." Tears slipped from her eyes, as I took my finger underneath her chin to make her look at me again. She didn't fight, and I in all honesty, don't even think she had the energy to. I mean, she was there, but she wasn't. It was like she was just numb. "Ag, listen, letting you be my first wasn't a mistake. But, the biggest mistake I did make, was letting you go." Silence. She didn't say a word, but she didn't move either. It was like she was trying to process everything, but not actually processing it. "Ag?" I asked, concern now filled my voice. And, that's when she grabbed my hips and pulled me in.

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