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I kissed Anna, I couldn't believe it. I don't know what went over me, but in that moment, it was as if the world had stopped. And, if I didn't know it before, I for sure knew it now. Anna was my person, the only one I ever wanted. But, my mind kept replaying the kiss over and over again. How after, she pulled away she stared so intensely in my eyes with those electric deep blue color, longing for her lips to meet mine again. But, never going back all the way. Her voice softly saying, how we couldn't do this because I have a girlfriend. Honestly, I don't care, I want Anna, I need her. And, if that means ruining a perfectly good relationship to be with her then so be it. Because, I'm the happiest when I'm with her, I feel more me, as she grounds me back to earth. And, let's face it, I like Alexis, I really do. But, she's not Anna. And, she will never be her, nor compare. And, I can't keep lying. Because, all of these lies about the whole situation are slowly eating me up. "Alexis?" I asked, as the phone picked up. "Hey, bubs. I've been waiting for you to call. What's up?" She said, cheerfully. My gut hated doing this to her, but it's better being honest. Saying how you don't see a future with them then leading them on to only get their heartbroken more so then it would've if you just told the truth. "Alexis, I don't think we can do this anymore. You're a really nice, smart, and pretty girl. But, I love someone else. And, I always have, if I'm being completely honest." I bit my lip, shaking for her response. But, after a moment of silence, she just laughed. Not in a bad way, more of a happy way. "Ag, I'm not stupid. I know you're in Michigan right now for her. I mean, come on? You seriously expected me to believe you were in Michigan looking for colleges? You want to go to Flordia, not Michigan." She finally said, and when she said that, I felt like a weight had lifted off my shoulders. Like I felt more free almost. "You're not mad?" I asked, my heart pounding out of my chest, as I felt giddy standing a block away from Anna's house. "No, Ag. I'm not mad. Honestly, I hope you two work out. You'd be perfect for each other. Anyways, I have to go. Take care, will you?" Her voice was soft, as I could tell she was smiling on the other side of the line. "Will do." And, with that, the phone call ended. And, there was only one thing left to do. Officially make Anna mine.

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