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"Ag," I let out breathlessly as she crawled in between my legs on her knees. "Come on, Ag, my Mom's downstairs." I spoke, my head tilted back, as she dragged her tongue from my neck to my collarbone. Her body was radiating off so much heat, practically burning my skin, even though she was only in shorts and a tank top. "I don't care. You don't know how bad I've wanted this." She said low and raspy in to the crease of my neck, biting my lip submissivly in response. Was it possible I was willing to go all the way with her? My core was burning. "And, that's when I realized it was all a dream." I said sadly, looking at the Michigan air blow through Emmi's hair. She just nodded, not quite sure what to say about the dream. To be honest, I didn't know what to make of them. Ever since Ag left last month at the grad party, my dreams have been messed up. I know I was thinking of her in a way I shouldn't, but I couldn't stop, even when I tried everything. Plus, at the grad party we decided to just be friends, since I wasn't even sure how I truly felt. And, I still don't. It's odd. My mind does not want to accept it, but the feelings, the dreams, the physical reactions I give off just hearing her name is all pointing towards that maybe I do have feelings for Ag. But, I'm torn. Because, I can't tell if it's real, or if it's what the pressure of Tiktok did, making me trick myself in to believing I liked her. Honestly, I had no clue, and by the look on Emmi's face, she didn't know either. But, again I don't blame her. "Have you tried talking to her about, you know, the dreams?" Emmi said trying to peice everything together in her head, looking up at me, her eyes were glistening. "No, I mean, what should I say? Like, hey, Ag, by the way, I've been having dreams that we almost end up having sex, but I never let it go all the way. And, even if I wanted to, I always wake up." I said, "Is that good?" I asked, knowing good and well I was being sarcastic. But, I desperately wanted the conversation about Ag to be over with, even though I started it. Emmi just smiled, but it was the smile that came off kind of weird. The type of smile your friend gives when they know something that you don't. Or, something you're not admitting. Shut up Anna, I thought to myself, feeling now slightly uncomfortable, my mind racing. "Anna," She said, both curiously and with a sad tone. I looked back in her direction, fidgeting with my finger tips in my lap. The cool wind making the metal bleachers chilly. "Hm?" I said, looking down. God, I really do feel uncomfortable now. "Have you even talked to Ag since the grad party?" She said, looking at me with the most curious eyes a person could have. But, her eyes felt like they were piercing my soul, right then and there I wanted to break. To cry. Because, Emmi was right. I haven't talked to Ag since the party, even though she has been reaching out, I've been ignoring. But, it also at the same time is vise versa. "Anna," Emmi looked at me, her eyes softening. "It doesn't matter. She is dating someone." I said, now rubbing my shoulder like it was sore, even though it wasn't. Growing more uncomfortable by the minute. "It doesn't matter. You need to talk to her. I think it would be good for you two. Plus, you guys were really close." Emmi said, getting up tugging her bookbag on to her shoulder. "I have to head back to my dorm, but talk to her. Will you?" I nodded and watched Emmi grow smaller and smaller across the Football Feild. I pulled out my phone, and looked through old photos. I put it on slideshow wanting to feel nostalgic, hoping it would cover up the sadness I was feeling. Yet, it didn't. The first photo to show, was during August. Ag had her hands wrapped around my waist hugging me from behind in my bathroom, as I held the camera, she had her head on my shoulder. Her hair was in a messy bun, and I had a toothbrush sticking out of my mouth. I laughed at this, as warm fuzzy feelings decided to invade my body. Maybe, Emmi is right. Maybe, it is time to talk to her again.

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