Reckless - Bonus Chapter One

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We still have much more to Reckless! These next few chapters are very, very special to us. The reason they mean so much is because they’re from Nash’s POV! You will all get the pleasure of reading a few select scenes from our favorite rocker.

We hope you all enjoy these chapters because Ana and I absolutely loved writing them.

xoxo, Gabby from The Aurora Honor

P.S. This particular chapter takes place a few years back…

Bonus Chapter One

Nash - Leaving Home

All I can hear are bottles smashing against the walls. 

Voices are muffled by the continuous shattering, and I press my hands against my ears - trying to block out the sounds. My eyes shut on their own accord, even though I’m in the darkness of a closet.

I just want to get away.

I just want this to stop.

Suddenly, I hear a pounding against the stairs of our house - estranged screaming following not far behind. Fear spikes my senses, my body already registering what is about to happen

“Don’t do it, Michael!” I hear a woman scream, fear also laced in her voice.

I press my hands even tighter against my ears, praying that this nightmare will end.


Everything that happens next seems to be in slow motion. The door is kicked open, a figure forcing himself into my room - body swaying left and right. I sink back farther into the small closet, hoping that I will be hidden among the clothes.

But just like all of my other prayers, this one isn’t answered.

The closet door swings open, and a thick hand grabs my body. This has happened so many times, I don’t even bother struggling anymore. My eyes are unfocused as I try to make out the two people in my room.

The woman is slumped against the carpet, her makeup running down her bruised cheeks. Continuous tears stream down her face, and her screams are heard throughout the night.

“My poor baby…” she cries, reaching out for me.

“Move out of the way, woman!”

I manage a small, reassuring smile, “It’s okay… mom.”

Just as I prepare for a blow towards my face, I can’t help but despise this man who abuses my mother and me. This man was supposed to care and support us - not beat us every day. He was supposed to love me.

This man was supposed to be my father, and yet he was someone I never wanted to be like. He was a ruthless monster…

And I hate him.


My eyes flash open, a hand running across my face.

Sweat drips down the sides of my head and down my neck. Taking a few deep breaths, I sit up in bed and stay as still as possible.

It was just a dream.

I’ve been having the same dream for a while now - the one where my mom cries and screams, but can’t seem to help me as I get beat to nothing by the man who claimed to be my father. The whole situation was f*cked up.

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